Bo B Bunny
Well-Known Member
I'm so excited! You guys are only 4 hours from me..... I might be able to make the trip if they allow people to come to the visit or whatever!
BoBBunny and Everyone,The makeover could mean a lot of things. If they won the million they could maybe BUY the warehouse LOL!
Still, they could build with it or whatever. Is this warehouse connected to others? tell me the setup.
Pet Bunny,Not sure how Zootoo will pass out the money. Will one shelter get the full $1M? Is it guaranteed the rest of the shelters will get a minimum $5000? Zootoo will look at each shelter and see how wisely the shelter will spend the money. You should draw up a list of whatneeds tobe done, and try to convince Zootoo to give you what you need for the makeover. For example, $5000 won't replace a leaking roof. What Slavetoabunny said about the related expenses needed, we should try and brainstorm some ideas on what we could do for a makeover.
I have an ideathat mightincrease the amount Zootoo could give to Midwest. Start a pledge to have people match the dollars Zootoo gives to Midwest. That might interest Zootoo that the moneywon will have more impact to the shelter. There was a thought when Midwest was out of the top 20, we were going to give our own money to Midwest to make up for their lost.
Any other ideas or suggestions?
Zootoo is already scheduling site visits. See user "topcats" journal entry. It's in the comments. Danbury is scheduled for April 10.
Laura - you may not have as long as you thought to plan!
Who was it you contacted? This is all very exciting to say the least!!!!Oh, I have exciting news to share. The week before the contest ended, I tried contacting some of the local personalities on tv here in Detroit. The emails that I got back were all messages saying these people were out of the office until after the contest was over. Disappointing to say the least!
This morning I was contacted by one of the local tv people saying that she was soo sorry that she didn't see my email and wants to know if there is anything she can do to help now that the contest is over!!!!! OMG I almost screamed when I read the email!!
Of course, I responded very quickly and asked her if we could get coverage during our site visit whenever that may be in the next couple of weeks and if she could please check on it and get back to me.
I'm so excited I can't stand it. This would be so awesome if we could get media coverage of our little shelter and our cause. OMG, OMG that's all I can think of to say. OMG