Micro Pooos

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Mrs. PBJ wrote:
Well storm has the micri pooohs again.

I have already start the gas meds cant spell it sorry.

Given him 5 cc of water.

But I dont understand he eats all the hay in the world.

I gave him special hays last night. I have 2 hays that he only get once or twice a week he eat mostly timothy.

The only other thing I did was change his litter.

This is the second time in what about a month. Am I doing something wrong.

I started giving him celantro also.

HELP me figure out why this keeps happening.

I just reread this

What kind of litter did you change to?
What also is the name of the dewormer that the vet gave you?
Clean-N-ComfyI bought it at petco


He said come back in two weeks and if they dont clear up we will try

Like I saod I am really not comfortable with this vet at the moment.
but he is close and when I need to save on gas. I have to use him.
I will go in april again to a good rabbit savy vet.
But right now he is going to have to do.
Until next month to worm him for now is ok but we will be changing

Don't use strongid until someone here OKs it and give me a moment to look up that litter

I had 2 rabbits that ate carefresh for months . I was at my wits end because I didn't know what was wrong with them. They had really dried out strung together poops. I did not know at that time that they were eating the litter.
I took their poops apart and they just crumbled up

One day I just saw them both eating it like it was food. THAT was the problem so I changed to yesterdays news

since it looks like pellets they also ate that.

so I changed topine pelleted horse litter and that was the end of their GI problems

I could also have bought a grate or made one

Is your litter anything like carefresh?
It does not look like that but it does and i have used that he would not use it.

He does eat it he never ate the cat litter but I stopped using it cause everything and everyone said it was safe right now I have the care fresh but he wont poo in it.

Because he eats the other stuff according to the bag its a corn based product.

If I can keep him healthy tell april 3 or 4o I have to look at the date I will get him to a good vet that many people have suggested.
We where typing at the same time.

I put a plastic grate in but he chewed it and ug at it and got itup hehas a huge triangle litter box. I think I am cutting it wrong.

I didi take it out cause i saw him eating it.

Right now he has the care fresh but I just got it in a clear bag from the shelter thats why I did not know the name.

I had never heard of Strongid and am interested in what Randy and/or Pamhas to say about it. I will also check with Dr. Allan on it. Since she has a horse and this is primarily a horse dewormer she will probably be familiar with it.

I can confirm thatit is Pyrantel Pamoate. I would not worry about where it is on the MediRabbit list ... as that is alphabetical <gr>.


Thanks kathy!

If you are using either carefresh or the corn based litter and they may be eating it and the grid is not secure can you possibly use newspaper in the litter box with hay on top of it until we can sort this out.?

Corn based litter can cause a blockage and so can carefresh if they are eating it but actually corn based litter ingestion is worse.


This article says carefresh is fine (and it is if the rabbit isn't eating it) but NO to corn based

I am going to just put hay in his litter box for now he will use it as a potty as I found out one day.

But I cant afford to do that all the time. so I am going to start trying all the different litters.

I doubt if they will eat aspen litter which is safe or pelleted pine litter like feline pine

Write a post in the general forum on how to make a screen for a litterbox . I think haley had a post once describing how she did it ...they couldn't eat the screen (or you could pm haley )

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