Micro Pooos

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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA
Well storm has the micri pooohs again.

I have already start the gas meds cant spell it sorry.

Given him 5 cc of water.

But I dont understand he eats all the hay in the world.

I gave him special hays last night. I have 2 hays that he only get once or twice a week he eat mostly timothy.

The only other thing I did was change his litter.

This is the second time in what about a month. Am I doing something wrong.

I started giving him celantro also.

HELP me figure out why this keeps happening.
Oh yeah I have to change it everyday.

he drinks out of a crock. The reason I gave him water is this is possible stasis
Has anything changed in his world at all? Is he moulting? Any other change in him? healthy?
Well his face seem to be shedding like he had fur sticking out.
Which is now gone.

I started giving him cilantro.
Changed his litter.

But other then that he just recently molted so i don't think that would be the issue.

The only fur i noticed was on his face.

We were talking about the problems that all of us have when rabbits are molting ..

last week I was giving oral fluids all day to one of my rabbits who is normally regular but had dried poops with hair between them.I worked on the fluids (place a little apple juice in the water) and he is OK now.

They tend to end up eating some of that hair .. even facial hair
What sort of litter are you using?
Do you give him any fresh vegetables? Bo cannot take some kinds - he gets either gas or loose poos.
The gas meds won't hurt either way, they are said to be totally safe.
Just make sure he drinks well, or eats a lot of juicy, wetted down veggies, if he is used to those.
My own rabbit Hazel, who is 6 now, has always had very "variable" poos, they seem to be perfectly normal to her. She's never had stasis, only had slowdown twice.
Just keep him hydrated, make sure he keeps eating well, and don't get too stressed out about it... they can pick up on your stress, and sometimes that stresses them out too, making things worse.
like hazel mom said gas meds won't hurt but the fluids are more important; I don't know if he has gas but only that he is not passing his regular poops.
At this point he is getting.

Romaine lettuce no chang there
Celery just added back into his diet but he has had it before
Cilantro New to his diet

Nothing else new he does not seem to be having as many already.

Increasing veggies can actually cause smaller. Because the long strand fiber a rabbit consumes from hay changes the texture of the poop (it appears lighter, larger and looser with those visible strands) poops after eating veggies are often tighter and darker. Some people find decreasing veggies when poops are looking to small encourages more hay intake.

Hair from a moult can actually stay in the digestive system for months. So it is entirely possible that if his shedding ended roughly a week ago, there is still a substantial amount of hair/food mass in the stomach. I like to increase veggies in this scenario as in addition to increased hydration, the veggies also seem to break down the hair/food mass.

This is a photo from one of my rabbits who constantly has hair in his gut: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=42959&forum_id=1
Believe it or not he was feeling fine prior to that incident but he was feeling really great after! At the time he was on a diet of several large salads a day.

Parsley is known to be a healthy herb for the digestive system. It is also a rabbit favorite. I have noticed in many situations that after feeding parsley a rabbit has better looking poops. Mint and parsley are great herbs for a rabbit that has had some digestive upset or frequent bouts with gas.

Couple of thoughts here. First....gas meds.....which is usually simethicone is a drug and a medical treatment. It can cause a slight slow down in the gut if used excessively. Great stuff if you are dealing with gas.

I was thinking about your comment about it's the second time in about a month a GI issue has appeared....and that led me to thinking that the reproductive cycle of many worms might just mimic that time line. I might think about running a deworming protocol.

Just a thought.

Storm wont touch parsley he is like eeww will eat around it befor his first bout with stasis he was eating it now he wont touch it I have a whole bunch in my fridge now.

Thats why I added the cilantro.

I saw some of those today in his litter box but have been busy editing.
Was going to ask when I opened the forum.

Well hopefully he will pass it all and he will be ok.
He is eating normally and everything.

And loves when i put a very small amount of apple juice in his water bowl.
So hopefully things will turn around I cant go through that again.

I am taking him to the vet next month just for a check up editing the infirmary section I want to get him a fecal, His teeth checked, And a urine test to many things can go wrong and a ex ray and all.

I want to prevent what ever I can.

Ok over reacting but I am still taking him LOL
Randy we where posting at the same time.
I am taking him next month I know that seems like a long way away.
But right now the money is not there. The dogs needed there heatguard and flea stuff and there yearly done this month.

What would I use to deworm I can get the stuff from the vet. Or the shelter I just need to know what.

You pretty much have to get deworming stuff from the vet. The thing they would do is an analysis of the fecals to look for parasites. It might be best to take him in this month and put it on the credit card so you can pay for it after the first of next month. If he starts making normal poos again, it can probably wait until next month.

What deworming protocol do you recommend? Very interested in your thoughts on this.

Kathy Smith

I generally use Fenbendazole (Panacur) for most deworming. I always do fecal floats but they are not always accurate. So itcomes down tothe fact that if I have any suspicion of worms, I run a deworming protocol. The most common worms I have found are roundworms...sometimes pinworms and have even found hookworms. And Panacur will take care of all of them. I have never had tapeworms in any of my rabbits but some of my vets have had patients with them and they treated with Droncit. And coccicidia is another nasty that causes problems. The usual treatment for that is either Albon or SMZ. I use Marquis. But in reality, the only thing that will resolve coccidia is a strong immune system.

I can get anything from a vet I am a vet tech just no work right now.

If I can get the name of what is safe I can get it from my friend at the shelter.
Where I worked she is the tech over there and plus she owes me one or two really if I ask she will get it for me.
His poos are already turning back to normal.

Last time it took like 3 or 4 days for him to turn around but I caught it real early.
Or maybe I am just over protective.
I do tend to over react a lot my husband says that all the time.

We are going to get him checked.

I can get that tomorrow. That protacal for the dogs at the shelter what is the dosing.

Would it still be by weight?
Randy if you cant tell me thats fine I know its touchy for people when giving advice.

I guess I need to worm my dogs to now man they eat storm poo all the time.
Wait they did a fecal on them it was -.
But they take heartguard every month

Ok I am going to go ahead and take storm to the vet he was looking better last night but it started all over this morning.

So where going to go ahead and go it should be nothing most likly what randy said worms. I really dont like this vet but he is rabbbit savy enough to have nuetered storm so.

I need to find a new one but the closes one to me is over 60 miles away in Pasadena.

Anyway I will let yall know hubby is taking him in.

Oh I also wanted to say I messed up the names of wormers
strogage t or how ever you spell it is common for the dogs at the shelter.

I got that this morning cause me and her talked and if storm has worms the dogs might have it to. So if storm test + We will just worm everyone at once.

I got a big bottle of it.
Randy if you know the wormer I am talking about for dogs is it safe on rabbits?
He was not wormy.
No more then usual the vet said but being wormy at all is bad he gave me a liquid wormer.

He said his weight seemed to be ok but dont let him loose anymore.
Other then that teeth are ok and he is looking good.

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