~Michaela's lil' ladies~

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I'm finally updating it!!!!:shock:lol

Here's a few of Pebble


I thought this was nice, her by the Berri cushion


Proof that she is a lop mix;)





Can you find her? (excuse the mess!!)

Dig, dig, dig


Bunny butt!




Michaela, those pictures are great. Ilove the one with the caption "can you find her" that's one cute littlebutt & tail.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::bunny2:apollo:
Thanks Susan:bunnydance:, I was so pleased with that picture, I'm a terrible photographer and my pictures are usually silly :p

I am uploading some of Ebony now, it's taking ages!
Thanks Cheryl, the girls are blushing! :blushan::blushan:

Grrr, Photobucket is being stupid, won't upload the pictures of Ebony!! I'll try again tomorrow though.:)
Awwwwwwww .........I'm simply melting.......CanI borrow your girls for a bit? Hehe...I promise to send themright back home....please??????? :D:D:D:D

They are truly special, your girls...you can feel the sweetnessstraight through that computer screen, all the way from Ireland...andthat's something to admire!! :hearts

What wonderful babies...


Give them kisses from me and the girls, ok? :hearts:bunnyheart:bunnyheart:bunnyheart

Love and hugs!!!

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Michaela, they're ALL wonderful. I don't think youtake bad pics at all. Those are all fab! Pebble isso cute!:inlove:
Thanks Crystal!:) My pictures are all just of them sitting, I miss allthe good shots, and I never charge my digital camera, so all of thepictures are from my mobile phone!:shock:

Pebble agrees, she thinks she's cute too;)

maherwoman wrote:
Awwwwwwww .........I'm simply melting.......Can I borrowyour girls for a bit? Hehe...I promise to send them rightback home....please??????? :D:D:D:D

They are truly special, your girls...you can feel the sweetnessstraight through that computer screen, all the way from Ireland...andthat's something to admire!! :hearts

What wonderful babies...


Give them kisses from me and the girls, ok? :hearts:bunnyheart:bunnyheart:bunnyheart

Love and hugs!!!


That's so beautiful!!:D

They definitely have something special about about them, but theycouldn't not, with being Berri's daughters, I know I will never meetanother bunny like her... Makes me sad and happy to think of that....

Hmmm...well you can borrow them, if I can borrow yourgirls...don't worry about making any trips, I will come get them (andbring Pebble and Ebony with me of course!;))

Send kisses back to Maisie, Flower and Trixie from me!!:kiss:

I know what you mean, Michaela...I hope somedayto find another kitty like my KeyKat...but I find it hard to think aspossible, with how wonderful she was.

That's so wonderful, though, that you have her offspring...that's sosweet! And wonderful that they've got her something special,too. :)

Borrow, huh...hmm...let me ask the girls........................................................

Here's their answer:


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