messy hutch!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
Any help would be great. I now have to clean outtheir hutch completely every 4 days. They knock everything out of theirlitter boxes, throw all their food out of their bowls, move theirlitterboxes and pee where they were. they tend o throw their food andhay bowls over the hutch. I usually come back to find a total messoutside their hutch as they have knocked verything out. I think it maybe Elmo doing this. I went to clear up some of their mess and hestarted digging in one of the boxes, kicking everything out.

HELP!!! :(:(
I'm sorry, I've totally forgotten...are they both neutered?

One thing that's helped in litter training Flower was to put a goodlayer of hay on top of her bedding in the litterbox. That wayshe goes as she eats (a bun's favorite thing), and learns to pee there.

Hmm...I'm not sure about digging everything out of their boxes, but Ihave taken to clipping everything to their cages. My bunsboth have NIC cages, which have openings that are a perfect fit formedium binder I clip their litterboxes and their hayrack(and would also clip anything else that could be

Other than that, you might consider buying some pegboard, and attachingstick-on linoleum tiles on it, and putting that on the floor.It's much easier to sweep off their messes with a hand broom than I'msure it is bare wood. Also, you'd be able to clean withwatered-down vinegar mixture, so you can get it TOTALLYclean.

Anyway, just a coupla ideas. Hope they help! Let meknow if there's anything that doesn't sound right for yoursituation...maybe I can think of something else. :)
neither are neutered yet. I was thinking ofattaching something to the sides of the hutch so the litterboxes couldstay put. But then there is the problem of them knocking everyhing out.

At the moment I have started putting quite a thick lining of sawdust soall their poops become hidden.Before that, it would end up they peed onthe bare hutch.Even with that Elmo tends to move a lot of thesaw dust into certain corners!! He is driving me crazy!!

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