Thanks guys
Ok acutally guys, we've decided to name her
Keira. I loved a lot of the names you guys suggested, like Mya and Arabella and everything, butI justloveKeira, and I think it fits her. Thanks everyone!
She head flicks more than any bunny I've ever seen.
She is very curious. She loves being out exploring.
She is very jumpy, so you have to move slowly around her.
She is a jumper, her favorite things to jump on are my legs, shoes, and her igloo.
She can't go out to far without running quickly back to me.
She binkys a lot! And does those bunny 500s a lot! Too bad my camera batteries are dead.
She will stop everything just for a nose rub.
She'd rather cuddle than do anything else.
I put her and Macey in a neutral territory yesterday, Macey did fine, she just wanted to sniff her and then come and bother me, haha. But the little guy is scared stiff when around her. So I'm gonna hold off on the meetings until she gets bigger. I don't feel comfortable with this anymore.
And question, she is not eating her pellets. She is eating a lot of timothy hay though. How do I encourage her to eat her pellets?