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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
Do female rabbits aged around 9 weeksmenstruate? I found this odd sort of reddy/brown stuff at the edge ofthe hutch, sort of outside it on the door in the corner, wondering whatit was. My rabbits are Albino, and I checked their behind area for anyblood, but it was clean, I also checked them over for any cuts, butthere were none. They're acting fine too, alert and not off theirfood/water.It wasn't runny poo either, as theirs have beensolid. Is rabbiturine a funny colour like that? I'm baffledas to what this liquid is.
It is most likely just dark coloredurine. Rabbits are "induced ovulators" (ovulate when bred)and do not go through an actual heat cycle or menstruate.

Dark urine could indicate too much calcium, right? Are you feeding her a lot of vegetables and fruits?
I've only had them two days, and have fed themlimited vegetables, but no fruits yet. I looked up red urine in arabbit care book, and it said it was perfectly normal, and shouldreturn to its natural colour in a week or less. If It doesn't then youhave to get a urine sample to be tested. :?It probably won'tcome to that though.
it is very natural and normal for rabbits tohave anywhere from a Dark reddish brown urine to a light colored urine.Rabbits have a ton of crystals and mineral deposits in their urine butthis is okay. unless you actually see bright red urine (blood) or verywhite cottage cheese consistancy urine (puss) there is no need to worry.
Lissa wrote:
Darkurine could indicate too much calcium, right? Are you feedingher a lot of vegetables and fruits?

White pasty urine is high in calcium. Red urine is generallythought to be pigmented with phenolic compounds (tannins) from certainfoods. many of the foods that rabbits eat are highlyalkaline, which is associated with the darker urine.

I've also noted dark urine in ill or dehydrated rabbits, however, dark urine is not necessarily a sign of illness.

pamnock wrote:
White pasty urine is high in calcium. Red urine isgenerally thought to be pigmented with phenolic compounds (tannins)from certain foods. many of the foods that rabbits eat arehighly alkaline, which is associated with the darker urine.

Thanks Pam. I always get that mixed up. ;)
please seperate your buns.. even though they maybe realted, they can still reproduce at 12 weeks of age. i highlysuggest you seperate them now before it's too late.
Its probablyall rightforthem to be together for now, but they may need to be separated later onwhen hormones kick in. I had to separate my girlsabout thattime because they started fighting. They were still ok to run and playtogether,they just needed their own cage space. They soundadorable. Have you posted pictures yet?


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