Bramble Briar86
Well-Known Member
Whata cute name. Loki is just dashing.......i may have to come visit the handsome boy!
Gypsy, you are so right about the personality! I'm reallyglad I named him after a god instead of an intellectual. I'vestarted calling him Lord Loki! He doesn't have too much of a'tude with me yet, but he really does with Mocha! If hedoesn't feel like bothering with her when he's in his cage, he'lleither give her the butt or turn around and flop! Yesterdayshe licked him a little and then flopped next to him to get him to lickher. He just sat there. Andsat. And finally he gave her two little licks, heaved a greatbig sigh, and turned his face away from her. This rabbit isdefinately going to own me once he figures out what people are good for!how wonderfullanother Dutch on the forum ,out of most all the Rabbits Ihave to admit I favorthe Dutch , they are silly , funny chatty, snotty ,curious , bashfull , obnoxious , raucious ,standoffish , and in your face ,Personally they are all breeds wraped upin a small package , I love hislittle black dot in the middle of hisback it so gives him character.
how wonderfullanother Dutch on the forum ,out of most all the Rabbits Ihave to admit I favorthe Dutch , they are silly , funny chatty, snotty ,curious , bashfull , obnoxious , raucious ,standoffish , and in your face ,Personally they are all breeds wraped upin a small package , I love hislittle black dot in the middle of hisback it so gives him character .