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Yer have read up on it and it says if you do notwant snails everywhere then just freeze the eggs for so many hours thendispose of them.
I think it's really cool myself but then again Ihave a few different types of snails myself (of course, none of mineare that large) lol
My sis and I were lobbying for pet snails forawhile when we were youngerbut we couldn't find themanywhere. I also read that you can give them little bits ofbeer to make them all zippy and zoomy. Don't know if that isOK for them...but that is what we read! I think he isneat!! I want one now!:D
They are cute but I wouldnt pick it up! EWW!

We had some at my animal care college andI had to clean them out every week.

Once I found babies in the tank and there were LOADZ of them! and they were soooo tiny! about this size --- @

But the college told me to throw them out with the rubbish :(I felt so horrible. But they made me.

They LOVE sucking on cucumber. hehe I cant remember what else they had...

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