Meat Rabbits

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Thanks for responding, HankHanky!:) Good luck to you on all of your renovations.I'll certainly be taking advantage of your offer to draw on yourexpertise in the future.

Carolyn, Tucker's generosity and ever-vigilant care of his "bunnyslave" is truly touching. Not all bunnies would be graciousenough to share their treasure trove of treats with their royalsubjects.
When walking to the bus the other day my friendtold me that during her English lesson a wild rabbit had been sat onthe wall. I t had myximototaus (I cant spell blame the english teacher!)
But she said the kindest thing to do would be to hit it with a shovel. And I nearly cried at the thought of it.
Would it be the kindest way to treat an animal like thtat? I tjust seemed so wrong.
Myxomatosis is a terrible viral disease.The rabbit should be humanely put down and buried or burned to helpcontrol the spread to other rabbits.

Depending on how handy one is with the shovel (if there is absolutely no other option), a rabbit could quickly be dispatched.


Oh no, no no no... I cant have any part of arabbit forum that is about anything but bunny love. In all serious mystomach chrns at the though of even having to skip threads with eventhat topic and converse with people who sell rabbit meat aggkk no wecant expect me to be ok with that, my god my bunnies live in the housewith me. Its a bit too much for me. Like killing children.

On another note the setup of this website is fabulous. Excellentoptions and easy to use.There seems to be some very cutemembers bunny pics. Im sure there are many bunny lovers here like mebut reading stuff like that thread will make me cry. I will post somepictures of my munchkins for you all though.( If im stillallowed after this post)

Any human being that can watch an adorable helpless bunny be swalloweddown the mouth of a snake isjust an evilsoal Imsorry... ban me delete me. :(
Posts like this will probably be clearly markedand you can simply skip them. It's just to point out that people of allsorts on talking on this board, not just people who have pet rabbits.But people baby their snakes as much as we baby our rabbits so it's notreally cruel, as long as the rabbit is humanely killed before it getsput in with the snake. But think about you, do you eat meat? Or have adog? It's no different so it's not really fair to point fingers, it'sthe 'circle of life'. Not to be rude, just pointing it out.
LittleMija wrote:
Oh no, no no no... I cant have any part of a rabbit forumthat is about anything but bunny love. In all serious my stomach chrnsat the though of even having to skip threads with even that topic andconverse with people who sell rabbit meat aggkk no we cant expect me tobe ok with that, my god my bunnies live in the house with me. Its a bittoo much for me. Like killing children.

On another note the setup of this website is fabulous. Excellentoptions and easy to use.There seems to be some very cutemembers bunny pics. Im sure there are many bunny lovers here like mebut reading stuff like that thread will make me cry. I will post somepictures of my munchkins for you all though. ( If im still allowedafter this post)

Any human being that can watch an adorable helpless bunny be swalloweddown the mouth of a snake isjust an evilsoal Imsorry... ban me delete me. :(
you are intitled to your opinion this isnt sometihng that comes up often...

but here is my opinion as carolyn said it is the circle of life, areyou a vegitarion?? just because something is" cute and cuddly" dosentmean that it isnt part of the food chain. i have gotten into thisenough today and frankly im tired of explaining so i will only say thisit is great you love your bunny so much but please dont juge peoplehere because we talk about things that happen in life . ignoring thingsonly makes things worse and the problems dont go away.

Idont deny snakes need to eat rabbitsbut as a rabbit loverI simply dont want to talk about it orknow about it ot chit chat with people about it. Im not acowlover, but if i was I wouldnt go to a forum to talk about them gettingviolently killed with the aid of a human being. Im not a vegetarian buti wouldnt go to a vegetarian forum and talk abouthow i killcows. Im not disputing the facts but its kind of like sayingis this apetpot bellied pet piggy forum or a placeto disguss how bbq ribs taste. In a snakelovers forumIwouldnt talk about howI kill them and make bags from them. Imsure the snakelover finds it horrendous,,, and to them...itmight beand if I made snakeskinbagsthey could call me evil and that would betheiropinion. Point is, Im a bunnylover and I want to post in a bunnyloverforum where people talk about how many binkies there bunny did today orthe great prize it won at the fair.
rabbits only is what this iscalled we all love rabbits we talk about them i already saidthe topic that is being questioned here dosnet come up very often.butthat means that any topic involving bunnys can be brought up. just dontread the ones you dont want to.

LittleMija wrote:
Idont deny snakes need to eat rabbits but as arabbit loverI simply dont want to talk about it or know aboutit ot chit chat with people about it. Im not acow lover, butif i was I wouldnt go to a forum to talk about them getting violentlykilled with the aid of a human being. Im not a vegetarian but i wouldntgo to a vegetarian forum and talk abouthow i kill cows.Im not disputing the facts but its kind of like saying isthis apetpot bellied pet piggy forum or a place todisguss how bbq ribs taste. In a snakelovers forumI wouldnttalk about howI kill them and make bags from them. Im surethe snakelover finds it horrendous,,, and to them... itmightbeand if I made snakeskin bagsthey could call meevil and that would betheir opinion. Point is, Im abunnylover and I want to post in a bunnylover forum where people talkabout how many binkies there bunny did today or the great prize it wonat the fair.
All good points LittleMija. Really good arguement.The thing is it is true that this forum is open to everyone, and if wewant to enjoy eachother's company here we have to accept that there aregoing to be some discussions we don't like. I personally skip thefeeding discussions, because I feed my rabbits a diet that not everyonehere agrees is the best. I feed them snakes :pno justkidding. I feed them a natural diet and reserve pellets for treats. I'mnot going to change my mind about their diet nor am I going to changethe mind of anyone else. I just avoid the topics because it's notsomething I feel like discussing. This thread is not easy for everyoneto read. That's why Carolyn warned us upfront.
LittleMija wrote:
Any human being that can watch an adorable helpless bunny be swalloweddown the mouth of a snake isjust an evilsoal Imsorry... ban me delete me. :(

Rarely do the herp people feed live rabbits as the rabbit may bite orscratch the reptile. The rabbits are humanely dispatched offirst.

Our adorable little mouse, Ruth, was destined for a snake's meal, but we couldn't resist her beautiful little face :)

I think that topic originally began as abunnylover talking about how her sweet babies have " the life". Thatswhat i like to read, a post about a bunny owner who rescued her bun andspoils thier buns to death. I didnt know it would be about snakeseating bunnies orI wouldnt have keptreading.So in responce, it wasnt really possible toanticipate the content of the post. But definatly in thefutureI will try to stear clear of such issues.
LittleMija wrote:
I think that topic originally began as a bunnylover talkingabout how her sweet babies have " the life". Thats what i like to read,a post about a bunny owner who rescued her bun and spoils thier buns todeath. I didnt know it would be about snakes eating bunniesorI wouldnt have kept reading.So inresponce, it wasnt really possible to anticipate the content of thepost. But definatly in the futureI will try to stear clear ofsuch issues.
No problemo, LittleMija! One of the best things about RabbitsOnly Forum is its openness to discussion about ALL aspects of rabbitfancying, without any rancor or histronics by those participating inthe thread. As such, I think it serves as a vehicle where Ican learn something about unfamiliar practices, that I might choose notto follow, but enables me to better understandthosewho do.

It does no good to hide my head in the sand and hope some of thesethings will disappear very soon. If I have a mind to everalter peoples' beliefs and practices, I must start by understandingtheir motivations before I can be effective. Trying to shovemy viewpoint down their throat, like some rabbit organizations do, onlyserves to increase their resistance to my estimation andopinion.

Sarah, my bunnies have apretty naturaldiet as well. Lots of veges and hay a bit of fruit and a 1/4cupof pellets b4 bed. Your little black bunny looks likemyMija. I have Ginny in my avetar.Your buns rverycute, they both are.
I don't oftenpost here but i do like to read the posts once in a while. I especiallylike the thread which showed all the photos of everyone!! Not oneperson looked like I imagined them in my minds eye - especially Dennis,Buck and Pam. I think it was very brave of everyone to put theirpictures up for all to see and makes it so much more personal andfriendlier.

Regarding the meat posts, it is goodthat this subject was broached and I think that 2 replies in particularfrom Dennis and Buck were very well worded. Equally I really dounderstand the real horror that some may feel regarding this subject –it really is not everybody’s cup of tea! That’s fine.

With a board such as this though youcan choose to skip the post and not read it. You can't always do thatin "real life".

The problem with some forums is thatthey tend to be dominated by the extremes of either end in whateverdebate is current without any leeway or consideration of others views.I am sure that that would not be allowed to happen here.

I used to breed for show but now onlyhave a few "shed" buns. I say “only” they are pretty special to meJ. However, I have really valued thehelp and experience shared with me from experienced meat breeders overmany years - I am going back to the original "rabbit Web" board nowLOL! I really feel that the “rabbit world” would be so much poorer ifthat input was lost.

On the net,I have seen lessand less experienced breeders taking the time to share their wisdom,perhaps, because of the rise of "anti breeder" attacks on those thatgive of their time freely to help others and to help rabbits. Thatseems to have gone hand in hand with a really aggressive response fromthose few that remain - hardly surprising really!

It should not really be "them" or "us" except on the extreme ends of the scale.

I just feel that that slider is slidingway down to one side of the scale. we have to remember that much ofthose bundles of fluff that we enjoy today with all the differentcolours and types, shapes and sizes are as a direct result of dedicatedfanciers and breeders over many years who bred both for perfection,fitness and for health -- and all that started with meat breeders!

I wonder how rabbits would fare todaywithout the years of dedication by meat breeders in ensuring a healthynutritious product that is as disease free as possible and thecountless thousands of fanciers worldwide that have bred the rabbitinto such a wonderful animal that continues to fulfill it's originalfunction in nature as a food source and yet has, additionally, thanksto breeders, evolved into the 3rd most popular pet here in the UK andacross many areas of the world - deservedly so!

Best I get of my soap box now and goback to lurking – sorry for the long post............


Well I am just very proudof this forum! I don't as a rule eat rabbit, but I do eatvenison, quail, dove, etc. I am also a female hunter, and Ido happen to enjoy it, not many would agree with me, but I eat what Ikill, I also don't always pull the trigger on an awesome 10 pt buck;sometimes I just sit and watch them in all their spendor!

There are folks out there that curse me for beinga hunter "your killing bambi!" No, I'm not, I'm managing the deerpopulation so they don't over produce and not have enough to eat andbecome either starved and/or ill.

Dennis put it very well, meat producers and evensome breeders will cull their "herd" by cooking them. I havetwo Californians, they are bred for meat. My children will bedoing 4H and they may raise animals, including bunnies, forfood. I hate to say it...but God put those animals on thisearth for food!

I am glad this forum is for everyone, and notjust one extreme or another. I think we can learn fromeverybody, and I am glad I have some place to go that I don't have toworry about my p's and q's when it comes to certain things (likemeat-bred rabbits).

Anyway, that is my two-cents. I don'tplan on eating my bunnies as they are my pets! Just like I wouldn't eatmy dogs or cats (although some of my family might have eaten dogsbefore, I am part Korean, and it is a delicacy I guess inKorea!). So please don't take offense!!!! I feelcomfortable enough that I can put my opinion on this board withoutgetting beat up to badly over it!


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