I'm going to start out by saying I'm a registered Republican. Would I consider voting for a Democrat? On the local level .... yes. On the national level...no.
My birthmom was 14 when she had me in 1960....had abortion been legal...I might not have been here. A friend of mine asked her when I met her, "Did your family ever discuss the possibility of abortion? Certainly it was done on the QT at the time...". Her response? "To my knowledge..that was never discussed. If it was...it was not discussed in my presence."
So I'll now close my soapbox on the right to life - but I wanted folks to understand why I am so much pro-life....
Ok - now for my thoughts on Governor Palin.
I like her. I like her a lot. The more I read about her - the more I become convinced that she is human (like the rest of us)...but also she has a strength of character about her.
Here are some of the things I like about her:
- She has more administrative experience than Senator Obama, Senator Biden AND Senator McCain combined.
- She has moxie. Here are some of the things she's done since taking office...
- Told Washington, "We don't want the bridge to nowhere...if we want a bridge...we'll build it ourselves." Talk about killing a pork barrel project.
- When she was mayor of Wasilla - if I read right - she lowered city taxes AND provided more services to the residents.
- Her first act upon becoming Governor was to sell the former Governor's plane on Ebay (I read today she sold it on Ebay - I haven't verified that).
- She doesn't have a limousine / driver - she drives herself to work.
- I read today that upon becoming governor - she fired the chef and said something like, "I can make sandwiches for my family".
- She just recently worked on something to get $1,200 back to all Alaskans since the price of fuel and other things are going up. This wasn't part of the Alaska Dividend from what I remember - I forget how she got this - by taxing the oil companies maybe?
- She went against her own party to end corruption - and she's worked across the aisle with the Democrats in Alaska to get things done.
- She has something like an 80% approval rating in Alaska - I think I read she is the most popular Governor in her home state.
Anyway - those are the things that stood out to me.
Now about "Troopergate"...I am bothered by it by I understand the charge was made by the person she defeated to win the Governor's election. I also have read that she has welcomed the investigation as she did nothing wrong. So while I don't care for the situation and feel like it hurts her a bit (and hurts the party a bit) - I feel like I'd need to see more substantial information to change my mind about her.
About her husband's DWI 22 years ago...I did things 22 years ago I'm not proud of either. They're part of what made me who I am today. Now if we were talking about within the last 2 months or if people came forward to say he had a pattern of driving drunk NOW...yeah...I'd be upset.
About her daughter. Wow. That one hit me hard....in fact, I called my 80 year old mom who says that the only person right of her would be the Kaiser (if he was still alive). I wanted her to hear it from me (since she was so excited about Governor Palin the other day). My mom shocked me...for one thing...she'd already heard about it just moments before. She said to me, "Peggy, things like that happen. At some point her children are going to do things she may not agree with....but she still loves her daughter. Yes, it will put pressure on her family and its a sad situation. But it happens all the time across America and I think we need to remember that it is a part of our society nowadays."
When I picked myself up off the floor....I realized mom was right. It is a normal part of our culture nowadays. My kids have done things I don't approve of. I did things my mom wouldn't approve of
I really REALLY respected Senator Obama for his reply about how kids are off limits. I was glad he said that and I hope that attitude persists.
I was really looking forward to the Republican Convention...largely because I wanted to hear what Governor Palin and Senator McCain would have to say - and I wanted to hear what others would have to say also. But I think they've done the right thing in how they're handling this. Hopefully, later in the week we'll get to hear meaningful information that will help voters make decisions.
I have to say that before Senator McCain announced his VP choice...I was considering not voting. I thought about voting for Ron Paul even though I knew that would not accomplish what I want. I had mostly resigned myself to voting for McCain simply because it would be a vote against Obama and I hated that thought. I don't think I've ever voted for anyone as mainly a vote against the other person.
I don't think that Senator McCain picked Governor Palin as much to win the "Hilary voters" as he did to energize his own party. I think it has done that for a large portion of the base. Everyone I've talked to that is registered Republican seems to be very happy with what they're reading/hearing. People that I thought would never support his choice - are telling me how excited that they are now that they're hearing more about her.
So once again - you get Peggy's VERBOSE thoughts...
But I'm excited about his choice - I'm excited about the convention and I'm especially excited about the debate between her and Senator Biden. I don't think Governor Palin has the nickname "Barracuda" for no reason...I think she goes after what she wants - does whatever she has to do to get it - and I think she'll surprise a lot of people.