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I am so in love with her. It makes me sick herowner would give her up when she so desperately needs extra care andattention right now.

I really hope you guys are able to cure her head tilt. Its amazing howthese things can be helped with proper treatment. Did her previousowner even ever take her to the vet?

Seriously, you guys are the best for giving these babies a second chance.
Haley, she took her to the vet when she was 7weeks old (she's now 6 months) when she first started symptoms. We wereshocked to learned that the vet she brought herto was therescue's vet. She isn't the most knowledgeable vet and weonlyuse her for spays, neuters and minor problems (eye infections, ect).

The vet said back then thatit was ear mites, gave her dropsand sent her on her way. The girl said the tilt just got worse fromthere, but I blame the owner for not seeking a second opinion orbringing the rabbit back to a vet -- whether it be that vet or another.Something more should've been done.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Haley, she took her to the vet when she was 7 weeks old(she's now 6 months) when she first started symptoms. We were shockedto learned that the vet she brought herto was the rescue'svet. She isn't the most knowledgeable vet and weonly use herfor spays, neuters and minor problems (eye infections, ect).

The vet said back then thatit was ear mites, gave her dropsand sent her on her way. The girl said the tilt just got worse fromthere, but I blame the owner for not seeking a second opinion orbringing the rabbit back to a vet -- whether it be that vet or another.Something more should've been done.

Woah that's terrible, I agree with you however, bad on the vets behalf,but shame shame shame on the owners behalf, If its getting worse whyleave it!!!
She's a cutey and in good hands now!!

I want her. I really do.
Oh my goodness, she is so cute!:hearts Poorlittle darling, how could anyone be so cruel:(, she deserves the bestcare, which I'm sure she'll get now.
I think it is awful that a vet of all peopleshould not be able to tell that there is something wrong. If my Fidgetgets a sniffle I am on the phone panicking. I hope that it can besorted out but nevertheless she is so cute and fluffy and what awonderful coat? Do you know if she is in any discomfort? Looks quitesore!
I really want her. :(I know I can't but I do.
Cutiebunny, I think in her cage, she's not inmuch pain. When being held however, she startles, and her neck turns tothe point I'm scared it's going to break. So I don't pick her up, I lether come out to me (which she does with only minor effort!) I thinkbeing held, it hurts her neck, but not in her cage.

She eats her hay (she's done devoured the entire pile from last night)and drinks just fine. She was even chewing on her wood block toys. Wethink she may have attempted a binky, but we're not sure. She did this'popcorn' move like guinea pigs do -- she jumped in the air but itlacked the twist and wiggle. Not sure what that was, but she lookedhappy and went back to her hay. :cool:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Cutiebunny, I think in her cage, she's not in much pain.When being held however, she startles, and her neck turns to the pointI'm scared it's going to break. So I don't pick her up, I let her comeout to me (which she does with only minor effort!) I think being held,it hurts her neck, but not in her cage.

Throws them off balance. When holding Ringo I would roll a towel and put it under his neck. Give him alitte support.
Here's some photo's of Lily from her romp in the yard...








Look at that queen. She looks so regal.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Look at that queen. She looks so regal.
Somewhere along the line, I think she truly believes she's a queen. :craziness

Lol she is.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
And, this was the mean bunny?
Was? She still is mean. She's got on devil horns under that thick furof hers. She has her sweet moments, but she's still a gigantic itchwith a captial B! She bites hard too, little pirahna. :rollseyes
Stop complaining your just a slave. ;)
You have the most photogenic rabbits I have ever seen! I can't even begin to get that kind of quality pictures.
Here's some photo's of Merri taken just a fewminutes ago, and one video of me petting her (she CRAVES attention andhops into your lap for it!)






And the video...

God I really want her. Stop teasing me.

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