Maybe He Doesn't Know He's A Bunny?

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Raspberry, on a day of so much sadness, a ray oflight called Sebastian (and his little girl) :). I take ityou were considering another rabbit? I have to agree with Carolyn, Buckand stephanie when they say they don't think he needs another forcompany - he and his little girl are so close, and he also has you, forwhen she is at school. My first rabbit was very 'humanised' and didn'tthink she was a rabbit. When I looked after a friend's rabbit, shedidn't know what it was and wanted nothing to do with it - noaggression, just didn't think it was the same species as her. The vetsaid she didn't think she thought of herself as a rabbit, but as alittle person, and I think Sebastian is the same - and we wouldn't havehim any other way :D) - Jan
Actually, I guesssince the cat is out of the bag, yes Jan, I was thinking about makingthe drive to Fergi'sMom's and adopting one of their babies.This was before Ben died...I feel awfully torn up about it now. I'vealways really adored Fergi and Ben both and I thought if ever I gotanother bunny, those babies would be the ones. I mean, my gosh, theyhave been handled every single day just like Sebastian was.Ithink because of that, the home they are in and their parents, they aregoing to be awesome bunnies. It's been a hard decision. :?


I'm not going to tell you to get another rabbit, but I'm not going to tell you not to either.

Knowing you, you've already realized the possibility of extra vet billsand know you can afford them if needed. You've also probably realizedthat bonding may not work and you may need another cage, more separatetime, and more cleaning.

Saying that, I do not for a second think that Sebastian would lose hislittle girl's love for even a second, they are so bonded. The new bunnymay really be yours. ;)

But you may not be so lucky as to get another Sebastian. You may end upwith a Mocha. But having 2 completely opposite bunnies is quite fun attimes. I wouldn't get rid of either of my boys for the world, I loveeach for how they are.

I handled and socialized Mocha as a 2 week old kit and he's friendly, but temperamental and not at all like Sebastian.

Sebastian may get jealous and territorial even.

But I know if I was you, I'd hop at the chance, I love bunnies andbabies! But the decision is yours, you will make the best one foryourself and your family. :)

Raspberry Swirl,

If Santa does decide to pick up a baby bunny for you, ask for a girl.That said, spaying is more expensive than neutering, and not everyanimal hospital spays. Two bucks often times don't do well as friends.

I know exactly the struggle because I went through it with Cali, and look at where she is today.

It's more work and money for a big rabbit, but I have no regrets frommy experience. But if Tucker could talk, I'm sure he'd have a fewthings to say about it. He liked it best B.C. (Before Cali) Hopefully,he'll mellow out about it in time. I do feel badly for him sometimes,but he's the 'oldest child' and he was okay being the only child for awhile.

I say ask for a girl, too. My 2 are proof thatmales don't always work out, they can live side by side, but nottogether. But then again, we thought Mocha was a girl when we broughthim home... :?lol.

I don't regret 2 bunnies either-- twice the work, twice the money, but also twice the laughs, love, and fun.
Carolyn wrote:
Heliked it best B.C. (Before Cali) Hopefully, he'll mellow out about itin time. I do feel badly for him sometimes, but he's the 'oldest child'and he was okay being the only child for a while.
He's just playing with you. ;)The truth is he loves have 3 females all to himself! ;):p
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
He liked it bestB.C. (Before Cali) Hopefully, he'll mellow out about it in time. I dofeel badly for him sometimes, but he's the 'oldest child' and he wasokay being the only child for a while.
He's just playing with you. ;)The truth is he loves have 3 females all to himself! ;):p

I sure wish you're right, MyBunnyBoys, because he's been impossible with Cali and he doesn't seem to be lightening up.

Bunny is very bonded to me. She won'tbond with any of my other rabbits, and gets jealous. So takethat into consideration. It is easy to see Sebastian thinksthe world of you, introducing another one could upset the chemistry.

I think I'm reallyleaning toward leaving him a single child for now. There sure are timesthough that I wonder if he'd like a friend. If it was a sure thing thathe'd like his friend, I'd get him one. But there are no guarantees. I'dlike for him to have another bunny to snuggle at night and when wearen't home, that kind of thing. He is so full of love, I don't wanthim to be alone and as I said before, we are very busy. But for now Ithink it's on hold.

I have looked at this post a couple of times nowand I still can't believe what I see! Raspberry, your little girl makesme rethink my whole "i don't want a girl" pledge. She is going to besuch a heartbreaker when she grows up. I don't know how you can handleliving with so many beautiful children! You're phone must ring off thehook, unless of course they have their own phones. Wow! You guys allhave some wonderful genes at work, absolutly beautiful family!Sebastian is such a lucky bunny with all the love he gets but beingthat cute you can't expect anything less!

Thanks for sharing those great pictures, put a smile on my face:)

Fergi's mom
Fergi, don'tcave in! You don't want girls!

They aremean! They cost alot!

They have fits! They talk on the phone all thetime!

Stick with your boys!At least my boys still kissme!

I'm glad the photos made you smile, you deserve a smile. It's been a tough week.

XOXO- Raspberry


Don't you talk about my little girl like that!

Send her up to Tucker Town. I'll take her and Sebastianbecause they do come as a set ya know. She's as sweet as sheis beautiful.


Boy has she got youfooled!

I'm not telling her either or she'lllearn your phone number! She called my sister not long ago and told hershe was moving in with her 'cuz Momma was mean. She had her stuffpacked into her doll carriage and was sitting on the front porchtalking to her Aunt on the cordless phone. When my sister tried to puther off about coming right away to pick her up,Sebastian'slittle girl said "that's okay, I'll just start walking, I know my way.":shock:



* * * * * * * * *


This time I'm getting aLittle GirlAlong withaBunny!! Aren'tthey beautiful??!


You tell Sebbie and his Little Angel...I'm on my way!

LOL, Its good that she has such good survival skills. You can't be mean to her and get away with it.:p
hehehehehe....sounds like me :D When I was threeI packed a suitcase nearly as big as I was and started dragging it downthe driveway :shock: (I have photographic proof somewhere aroundhere...) Gotta love those spirited kiddos ;)

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