I have been wracking my brain, trying to locate a link that I sent to my son last year; it was a resource for finding jobs in the TO area. Unfortunately I cannot find it (I called my son in the hope that he still had it as well, but apparently he didn't save it). I'm still looking, though...
I do know that in some areas of the gov't they offer 'AWA' (Alternate Work Arrangement), which means you can be set up to work from home. That might be ideal for you if travelling back and forth is difficult, or if you need to set up your own work hours, take lengthy breaks because of pain issues, etc.Alternatively, I'm wondering if you would qualify for a permanent disability?
And I can definitely empathize with having to share living arrangements whilst undergoing a separation...I did so with my ex for several months before we 'officially' separated. The mental stress of it was very hard, with communication being cold and distant. My heart goes out to you for having to endure all of this, Susan...