Max was sold to us a boy..

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Sep 5, 2014
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Turns out, after a play date with my daughter's friend's rabbit....SHE'S A GIRL! I noticed 'he' was nesting, but thought better of it; after all, I was told she was a boy. When I looked under the nest, I noticed fur and initially thought "why would my daughter put this stuff in here??" Upon further notice...I realized it was fur. Upon FURTHER noticing under that nest, I saw movement and realized there were 3 babies in there!! Oh yes...I freaked out! They're approximate birthday was 8/10/14....

After my freak out stage, we adjusted (oh my daughter was thrilled, thrilled!!) and here it is almost a month later. The bunnies are great, running, jumping and being curious. My question is, when can we introduce vegetables? I did feed them a finger size piece of romaine and when I go to feed Max(ine), the babies are right there trying for some! From research online, I've read wait until 12 weeks, but they seem so hungry (and Max seems to be feeding them at night, we always give her privacy to do so..) and we also leave pellets out as well as hay and the water bottle. Too soon for romaine and such? I do appreciate your time :)
:bunny18 Wow what a fun way to find out! I mean it's common to mis-sex the bunnies, but finding babies is a sure fire way to figure it out. LOL!! Our Bun Jovi turned out to be a girl too, but we found out when I took "him" in to be neutered, and there was nothing there to that I actually own a male, I have to laugh at myself considering that males, after a certain age, can be rather apparent with their dangly wanglys.
Oh that's funny! After the reality set in, and the shock subsided, it sure wound up being fun. Is it ok for the babies to eat lettuce now at 4 weeks?
I wouldn't just yet give them lettuce (never iceburg, use romaine), It would be ok to start with some Alfalfa hay. You want to be sure that they're eating hay before introducing any vegetables to them, and then only veges in very small amounts and one at a time like romaine lettuce and maybe some cilantro. Are they still with mom and still nursing?
When to start feeding greens can vary. If you're feeding the mum regular greens and they're stealing a nibble or two, I don't think it's a bad thing, but I wouldn't be handing them pieces of lettuce. People recommend waiting until 12 weeks, or sometimes even 6 months, but it does depend on what the mum eats as well that will effect how well their guts tolerate it. I would just continue feeding the mum her greens and if they pinch a little, so be it. Just keep an eye on the poops etc to make sure there's no upset tummies.
We feed Max some pellets, but mostly greens (romaine, cilantro, spinach, some celery and occasionally carrots, apple slices and banana) and plenty of hay. I believe she is still nursing, seems late at night. The advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.
If you are giving Max veggies, the babies can have some as well. The main issue with veggies is too much change too soon. So when a rabbit goes to a new home, there is the stress of the new home, diet change (new pellets usually), gut changes as they get past weaning. Adding veggies to all the change can lead to issues. If they are used to veggies from the start, and the mother has been given veggies, it isn't as much of a problem. Small amounts are best, but they are generally eat what you give the mom. It would be good to limit the veggies they get to help avoid issues, so maybe feed most of the veggies to mom away from the babies, but they can still have a little bit.

She should still be nursing for another few weeks. They will usually wean around 6-8 weeks. The babies will be eating other foods and drink water, but still need to nurse.