Turns out, after a play date with my daughter's friend's rabbit....SHE'S A GIRL! I noticed 'he' was nesting, but thought better of it; after all, I was told she was a boy. When I looked under the nest, I noticed fur and initially thought "why would my daughter put this stuff in here??" Upon further notice...I realized it was fur. Upon FURTHER noticing under that nest, I saw movement and realized there were 3 babies in there!! Oh yes...I freaked out! They're approximate birthday was 8/10/14....
After my freak out stage, we adjusted (oh my daughter was thrilled, thrilled!!) and here it is almost a month later. The bunnies are great, running, jumping and being curious. My question is, when can we introduce vegetables? I did feed them a finger size piece of romaine and when I go to feed Max(ine), the babies are right there trying for some! From research online, I've read wait until 12 weeks, but they seem so hungry (and Max seems to be feeding them at night, we always give her privacy to do so..) and we also leave pellets out as well as hay and the water bottle. Too soon for romaine and such? I do appreciate your time
After my freak out stage, we adjusted (oh my daughter was thrilled, thrilled!!) and here it is almost a month later. The bunnies are great, running, jumping and being curious. My question is, when can we introduce vegetables? I did feed them a finger size piece of romaine and when I go to feed Max(ine), the babies are right there trying for some! From research online, I've read wait until 12 weeks, but they seem so hungry (and Max seems to be feeding them at night, we always give her privacy to do so..) and we also leave pellets out as well as hay and the water bottle. Too soon for romaine and such? I do appreciate your time