Max is wheezing

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Well, I think I finally have some good news. Ive been not wanting to post anything in case I was wrong and it was a fluke, but Max really seems to be getting better!

First, my vet emailed me and said he posted Maxs xrays on a web forum he belongs to and all the other vets agreed that from what they could see, they didnt think the abscess area could have anything to do with the breathing. They said all his teeth looked wonderful. He was still going to try and get the vet dentist who did the surgery to have a look and see what he thinks.. we'll see.

Okay, so the wheezing has pretty much stopped all together. The choking has stopped as well (Offspring, it happened whenever he ate or sounds like a yak or a hiccup).

He seems to be more alert as well. I havent been doing anything differently, just keeping up with all the meds and nebulization and such.

Please keep him in your prayers. I would love more than anything to have a healthy bunny for Christmas (seriously, no presents, just Max:)).

Were keeping our fingers (and paws) crossed.

sas :happydance
Oh Haley, that is good news! i am happy for you and MAX. really, we don't need any christmas gift as long as the buns are doingwell and happy.
That was a long bout of being glad that he's finally better...maybe because you stuck with it and treated him so long and well..your such a good bunny mom Haley:D:sickbunny:
Thanks guys :)

I really hope he continues to improve. He still sneezes a bit and every once in a while I'll hear wheezing, but for the most part he sounds so much better.

Im praying he stays well because next week Im going away (to Oklahoma..lame) for 6 days and my boyfriend has to bunny sit. He's great with them, but I want things to be as easy as possible (plus I'll worry less if Max is getting better).

I'll keep ya posted :bunnydance:

Yay...Happy Bunny Dances for Max!

Hope he stays well, Haley!

Nose rubs from Driz and Latte :bunny5:brownbunny
They are separate.

The only thing in the nebulizer is the mucomyst and saline, which is supposed to open things up. The vet said I could put the genamycin drops in the nebulizer solution, but since the problem is in the nose,its best to use the drops (bc they are a direct shot to the nose instead of inhaled).

So much to remember though, we have a regular routine down. :D
After a while, I bet you cantake away one thing and see which is helping, the nebulizer or the drops.

How are you giving the drops in the nose? I can't imagine that's any fun.
Just thought I would update everyone on Max.

I didnt post for a while about his condition, mostly because Ive been so depressed and discouraged about the whole thing.

Sometime around Christmas, Max started to get worse again. His breathing was again getting very wheezy. I called the vet and talked to him about our options.

He wanted to do a scope in the nasal cavity, but after checking around we found out it would cost at least 1200 to have that done. Unfortunately, this was not an option for me. Ive always been willing to spend whatever was needed (my poor credit card) but this was just too much for something diagnostic, which we didnt even know if it would tell us anything useful.

My vet suggested anesthetizing/intubating Max to do a nasal flush and more xrays. Still expensive, but only about half as much as the scope.We did that and the xraysall lookednormal. He was also able to get a good look up there and couldnt see anything unusual.

The culture came back today. He said the only thing they could find was Pasteurella. I dont really understand how this particular bacteria works, but it cant be "Snuffles" bc we have no colored discharge and Basil is fine. He thinks its a very deep and stubborn sinus infection.

He has spoken with a lot of vets online and most have said this can be very common in rabbits. They get these deep nasal problems and nothing can cure them, its just about controlling it as best as possible and keeping him comfortable.

So we're going to be back on Baytril and nose drops, still doing the nebulizer. He's also considering PenG injections just bc we have nothing to lose at this point.

Anyway, please keep us in your prayers. Its so overwhelming at times. :X
Oh Haley, you've really gone above and beyond for your baby. My heart truly goes out to you. I'm glad Max is comfortable at least and that the vet is consulting with other vets. I still have hope :hug2:.
Geez haley I thought Max was Ok....I sure know how you feel, however as I am still dealing with Beau and his multiple mouth problems although I only post emergencies at this point. Looks like Beau will also be on antibiotics forever. I'm really sorry about Max.....sometime My husband will say he doesn't understand why I want rabbits as they always have something wrong (true) however I will always want rabbits.
Oh Haley, you must be worn out what with one thing and another. Poor Max, but at least nothing sinister is showing up. You have done so much to help him, it must be so frustrating to not get any definate answers. Bless you for all you'r doing - you know we are all here for you :hug2:

Oh no Haley, I'm so sorry! You and poor Max have been through so much, I wish the problem could be found and cured for good. You and him are both in my prayers! :hug2:
Thanks everyone for your kinds words. I cant tell you how much it means to me.

Im just trying to stay positive and just keep him as comfortable as possible. Its just so frustrating and heart braking at times. :cry2

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