Max is wheezing

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Haley I am so sorry about Max . I know how you feel because of what has been going on with Babette. This AM I called a rabbit vet recommended by the Wisconsin House rabbit society ..his name is Barney Smith and he is out of the same office in Verona where I took Beau.I talked to him once before because I was told that he will take calls from people who do not have good vets in their area. I told him everything about Babettes problem.....this is what he said 1) If she responded to the Baytril it is probably bacterial (vet I saw Sat said it was probably viral pneumonia) 2. She should be on the meds longer than a week (I got another weeks worth by saying I may need it for another bunny so Angela you were on top of things)). babette is actually better. I have to listen with a stethescope to hear the rasp in her lungs. Dr. Smith said that if it doesn't resolve soon I should get x-rays and that would also tell whether it was cardiac related. I asked him if he would agree to do a phone consultation with another vet and he said he would. Haley...just make sure that you have a good vet..I don't know where you live but I sure both Max and babette get over this. Did Max get this after his teeth surgery??
thanks for the info!

My vet is great with rabbits. He said that, as you mentioned, it was probably a bacterial infection. Bacteria responds to antibiotics. If Max didnt respond to the meds, he wanted to do an Xray to make sure his heart was alright. Also, viral infections (since viruses arent living) dont respond to antibiotics. He put Max on the meds for 14 days.

Max's surgery was (believe it or not) almost 2 months ago. He has had a runny nose on and off for about 6 months now. He has mild allergies. I think this makes him more susceptible to infections.

Basil still seems to be doing fine. I hope Beau stays healthy as well.

I'll keep you posted. Im praying for both our babies. We've had too many vet bills lately!
Oh Haley, I'm sorry I missed this post. Poor Max, he is having a tough time of it, but it's good that the Vicks seems to be having some effect (when I was little and had a cold, my mom would put some in hot water in a bowl and have me sit over it with a towel over my head - worked wonders!).

Will be praying for Max (and Beau).

Just an update:

Max was doing great up until Saturday night. He was on 10 days of Vibramycin and Saturday was his last day. Saturday night the wheezing started again and Sunday and today he sounds just awful.

We have an appt to go in again today. It seems like Max is fine when he's on antibiotics (as he was pretty much all summer with the tooth abscess/surgery) and all these problems have been happening when he's off the meds.

I just hope we can get this taken care of. My credit card can only take so much!

Please keep little Max in your prayers. He's got to get well soon, right?!
I'm sorry about Max, Haley. Babette is on her 2nd week of antibiotics and she seems better but not 100%. Do you think that his problems now are related to the teeth surgery?..maybe a lowered immune system Did he get chest x-rays.? When Babette is done with her antibiotics I am going to take her to the vet and see if the vet can hear anything in her lungs..if it is still present I'm going to get x-rays. Beaus's bad breath is gone now that he is back on meds..we go to Madison on Wed for a re-check . Last Sat. I picked him up to try and see if his breath still had an odor and he was really really quiet and then all at once he made a leap to get away and fell on his face and cut his lip. It is on the outside and really not bad but it did bleed all over and I feel so bad for him ..he can't ever have everything "OK"..always a problem. Beau has to be a "big boy" for the trip to Madison and go by himself because there is no way I'm going subject Babette to that trip again soon. I'm going to rub towels allover Babette and then put those in his carrier so that he can at least smell her on the trip. keep us up-dated on Max.
Thanks guys :kiss:

We just got back. He did chest xrays and its bronchitis. You could see how bad it was.

On a good note, his heart and gut look great. The doctor was joking about how full of food Max's belly was.

He's putting him on a cocktail of 2 different antibiotics and upping the dose.

Im hoping we can get rid of this once and for all! :pray:
Awww poor Max:(but at least you know what is going on withhim now, and from here he can only get better:)

I will be keeping Max in my thoughts:)

Did the doctor think that it was serious? Was it the same vet ? Are you still going to use the vaporizer? What are the 2 antibiotics he will be on?....geez I sure hope that he gets better..poor little guy. :(
angieluv wrote:
Did the doctor think that it was serious? Was it the same vet ? Are you still going to use the vaporizer? What are the 2antibiotics he will be on?....geez I sure hope that he gets better..poor little guy. :(
He thought it looked bad, but not anything antibiotics wont help. He is a bit concerned though at how Max seems to be fine and dandy when hes on the meds and gets sick when we take him off.He thinks there is a possibility that Max might have a case of Snuffles or other Pastuerella that is causing the problems (abscess and otherwise). He said as a last case scenario we would keep Max on meds indefinitely. But he's hoping that by increasing the dose we can just wipe out the infection once and for all.

Im keeping up with the vaporizer. Hes on Baytril and theres another one(cant remember the name) that they have to call in to a pharmacy bc they didnt have any on hand.

This is the same vet. He's so great with Max. Its so nice to finally have someone I can trust. Max must trust him too because he licked him when we were in there!

Anyway, thanks everyone for your support. I'll keep you posted :pray:
Haley wrote:
This is the same vet. He's so great with Max. Its so nice to finally have someone I can trust. Max must trust him too because he licked him when we were in there!
Aww, that's so cute! I'm so glad you have a vet you know you can trust.
well, I just talked to the vet and he said he wants to hold off on the other antibiotic for now (still cant remember what its called..he said it was something thats totally safe for rabbits but isnt used as much bc they found it was causing bone marrow problems in people...)

Anyway, hes on a strong dose of Baytril now. We had used vibramycinl ast week. He usually responds well to baytril, so we'll see. They didnt do a culture bc there wasnt any discharge (poor guy was all stuffed up so badly).

So Im hoping he gets well this time. Im running that steamer and it seems to be helping...