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That's incorrect information Bo B Bunny. Dandelions are quite safe and nutritious, even the stems.
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
That's incorrect information Bo B Bunny. Dandelions arequite safe and nutritious, even the stems.
You know, I haveheard both. I think the issue is the milk in the stems whichon most plants would be poisonous. However, I cannot findthat the dandelions are........ and that's probably because mymother told me they are LOL!
Hi Candini,

What is wrong with your rabbit? If he actually has an infection, it is unlikely that "natural remedies" will do much to help, especially if it is an abcess. Most rabbit-safe antibiotics are exactly that- rabbit safe and causing few problems if dispensed correctly. Plus some require manual treatments too, such as draining/ surgically removing an abcess, flushing tear ducts, nebulization to clear clogged nasal passages and deliver the treatment directly to the nasal passage.

If the product helps you, let us know. But please take your rabbit to a vet. Infections are serious problems in rabbits and can't always wait for a treatment to arrive in the mail.
Symptoms: Lethargic, eating though. SLight discharge from nose (clear). Paws a bit discolored. Sneezing in cage, out of cage hasnt sneezed. Not as alert. Testimonials on the websiteare all very promising.Money back guaranteed.

You serious???? Any information from anyone please post. They have a money back guarantee within one year of purchase. Also, call in line.
dunno what happened with it.

here's the original lawsuit... it basically says that they "use false and misleading claims about the health benefits of their products and use unapproved ingredients in their products."

"The lawsuit says Iowa Dept. of Agriculture inspectors submitted samples of Pet Medicine Chest products for analysis by the State laboratory. The analyses revealed inconsistencies between labeling information and the actual quantities of ingredients, and revealed unapproved feed ingredients both on the labels and in the samples. In March, the Ag Dept. advised the defendants about the problems and ordered them to cease any further product sales, but sales continued, the suit alleges."


PS: I also saw on the net somewhere that somebody said their Systemajuv(?) had a bunch of alcohol in it which is why the bunnies appeared to feel better, but I don't know if that's true. Best to ask a vet (or at least do a lot more research).
Thanks.....I will ask them what happened with it.....a bit disturbing. Either the testimonials are false or true. Cant be both and there are plenty on the site.

They told me to add one if it works.
candini wrote:
Thanks.....I will ask them what happened with it.....a bit disturbing. Either the testimonials are false or true. Cant be both and there are plenty on the site.

They told me to add one if it works.
If it's true there's a lot ofalcohol in it, the testimonials are probablytrue if they say the bunnies appearedfeel better rightaway! :toastingbuns
Seems I did see something about alcohol in products but dont know if this the same company. That would do it but some of the pets reacted differently. Im finding other sites and some confirmations on some of the herbs being not a cure but a boast of the immune system (therefore the rabbits system cures itself). Jury still out of course and I will ensure I will post anything positive here.

"To prevent toxic poisoning is the very serious reason, our natural remedies contain alcohol. Each administered drop contains 0.0021% alcohol."

I just found this above about alcohol in their products: "
Okay here is the answer I received back on SystemJuv and the lawsuit:

"I understand your concern. The government is doing his best to shut down all
herbal business's. Sad isn't it, but true. You and I both know why, because
herbal treatments work, and the vet's treatments which don't get me wrong,
sometimes they are needed, anyway 9 times out of 10 they just mask the
problem. I believe it all boils down to a control thing, don't you? Anyway
all that happened in 2002 has been dropped. Sure wish they would admit how
wrong they were and post that on their website."

Does make sense. The charges somehow had to be dropped because there is no injunction. Business as usual.

I haven't found one person who can comment on the actual products. Only info I can find is about the lawsuit or use a vet etc... I've been the vet route many times and large bills to show for it. Only once in last 10 yrs did the vet successfully treat my animals. Please dont flame me but it is just my opinion. The stuff above may work or it may not. I will follow all the instructions and just see.

If anyone has used systemjuv please post.
