Mary Catherine's Bunny Blog! :)

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So, I went to the grocery store, and got some Romaine Hearts. I just got this, since I'm supposed to only introduce one veggie at a time. He ate all of the first half I gave him, which was about 4x2 inches. & I gave him another half. & I haven't checked to see if he ate it.

I'm home from school sick today, and I feel horrible, but on the bright side, I'm supposed to get his playpen today! :)
I got his playpen, and its the perfect size! He usually just does bunny laps, then flops out for a while, and does it again! It's rather cute! I can't find my camera's cord to upload pics, but I'll upload one of him just sitting beside it.


Whenever I give him some more pellets in the morning, when i'm about to put it in the cage, he sticks his head out the cage door, and starts eating out of my hands. It's so cute!

Nom Nom Nom!

Chew Then back for more!

No picture comments?

So, I went to the rabbit show in my town today, & I found my dream breed! I've always loved Flemish Giants, but had never seen them in person ,and now I'm in love! If only we had the space...

Oliver's doing good, his litter box training isn't going very well, but its only the first week! He practically attacks his Romaine lettuce everyday, so I'm going to start introducing more! How often can give you give the really small tomatoes?
He's very cute and fluffy! and I think Olivia is a great name, it really suits him for sure!

Cute pics of him eating out of the bowl, then having a chewing break haha
I laughed at the picture of Oliver with his face in the bowl :D He is cute! Do you have more pictures to share? How is he settling in?
He's settling in very well! He'll come up to me when I come to his cage, even if I don't have food. & He usually lets me pet him without running.

I don't have anymore pictures right now, but when I let him out later I will.
Looks like Oliver has you just where he wants you! He's probably thinking, just be patient, training a slave takes time. Great pictures by the way.

I know what you mean about Flemish, I currently have just 6, but hopefully more later this summer. Just something about their size and gentleness.

I am finally back! I was at a sum
er camp for acadmically talented students for two weeks, then I just had to get settled back again!

Oliver is doing great, I haven't been letting him out of his cage as much as I should, so I really need to work on that.

Marching Band season starts next week, so I'll be super busy! Almost 8 hours a day. So, I'll be letting him out more at night! Then school starts in August, and I'm going to be even busier!

He loveloveloves his veggies! He'll eat lettuce, carrot and tomato right out of my hand, its so adorable!

Does anyone know about what size a 5 month old lionhead would need for a harness? What kind do you use, as i was looking at them today, and I'm not totally sure!

Well, that's all for now!
Here's some somewhat old pictures of him, from like early June!



I took some pictures today, that I'll post later!
So, here are the ones from today, and you can tell how much bigger his mane has gotten!

He Loves to be brushed!


Sorry I haven't posted much lately! Not many people follow, and I've been super super busy! Marching band has started and that takes up just about all of my time!

Oliver always tips over his veggie bowl, so I was at Walmart and I found a cute new one in the cat section for $4!


Here's him eating so yummmy romaine!

Here's a few during playtime! He doesn't really play all that much, he just hops around! SO I've been trying to find some ideas for really interactive fun toys, any ideas?




He'll sometimes run around and toss scrunched up paper in the air.

I've been getting really interested in mice and leopard geckos lately! I really want a trio of mice, I already have a cage, wheel, hideys and some leftover bedding from my hamster, that would work for mice. It's a bin cage, but convincing my mom is not likely to happen!
Sigh, I will redo this tommorow I don't have time right now, I have Oli out and I'm about to go put him up and work on summer homework!
They are wokring now! lol!
I love the bowl!

My lionhead just hops around too..put she likes to toss toys around!
Nice pics! My guys just like to run around and don't really play with things. They do like hard wood toys to chew on, though. My bunnies' favorite "toy" is probably the large rug in our living room--it gives them great traction for running and flying leaps!
I hate how my blog gets very few comments! I know I should post more, and make it more interesting, I just don't have time! I have Colorguard constantly!

Anywho, so I'm working on making Oliver a toy. As you can see in some of the above pictures, I have one that hangs down and he chews it quite a bit. It's been in there a couple weeks, so I think I'm going to take it out and make one that doesn't hang down, but one that he can toss and whatnot!
Most of the blogs get only a couple of comments out of the people that view them. Don't worry about it. If you like blogging then keep it up. My bunnies love toys they can toss around. :)

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