Mary Catherine's Bunny Blog! :)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
, Kentucky, USA
Hello! As many of you know, I don't have a bun yet. My dad and I have been interested for buns for a long time, and he has had4 rabbits before. We're working on convincing my mom, and so far it's not progressing very well.

I'm most interested in Lionheads, Holland Lops, and Flemish Giants. There's no way I could get a FG at the moment, so I'm looking into Lionheads.

My other pets include a Boston Terrier [Bandit], a mixed breed cat [Maria], hamster [Louie]! I'll add pictures later, I don't have any at the moment.

Wish Me Luck on convincing my Mom! I'm going to try and post here everyday!
Okay, so today was good, until I got home. My dad was in the hospital the other night, and they thought he was having a stroke, but he didn't. So, he went in for a checkup, and they scanned his lungs. They found a small spot. He's been a smoker for 45 years, and his dad died from lung cancer, before I was born.

So, now I'm very worried.
Well, i've been researching some breeders around me. I founnd a Dwarf Hotot breeder about 5 hours away, and they have some good looking ones, and they're showable. I'm not sure if I really would want to show or not. & I found good-looking Netherland Dwarfs too!

Any experiences from someone that has shown at a young age?
So, My blog has been very boring so far, which is probably why I don't get many replies.

So hopefully, I'll be able to go to a local petstore today, and look at some cages etcc,
I am so sorry about your dad! Any updates?

I personally don't like hot tots, but netherland dwarfs tend to be great show rabbits, as mini rexes as well!

My mom finally agreed, but she has to stay in the garage.

SO, I neeed to be narrowing down on a certain breed. Either Holland Lop, or Lionheadd.

Also, do you think a hutch or a cage would be better? It gets hot in the summer, and cold in the winterr.
So Sorry Myia, I didn't see your post! But he's fine, and the tests were normal. They think the numbness was from a nerve being irritated!

& Here's Maria, my 8 year old cat. I got her at the humane society, and she's a mix.


Have you checked your local 4-H for breeders? Many 4-H rabbit club members have rabbits for sale and are well taken care of.

Rabbits don't do well in the heat, you will need to keep it cool and obviously warm in the winter. There are lots of good tips on how to keep rabbits cool. Rabbits are very clean animals and they don't have much litter odor as compared to a cat litter box.

I have 15 indoor rabbits and I clean their cages every other day. A single rabbit indoors with its litter changed frequently wouldn't have much smell at all. Maybe when your mom holds your bunny, maybe she will melt and let you keep it inside.

Good luck, glad your dad's ok.

Being in the garage is fine with me, because we really don't have any room. I found a hutch on craigslist that's nice.

It has wire on the floor, so would I need to put tiles on the bottom?
Yes you can get some mats called Mighty mats, they are also called other things, but basically its a slotted plastic mat that attaches to the wire bottom. It allows the rabbit pee and poop to fall through and something smooth for the rabbit to walk and stand on.

Your idea of tiles will work too. The entire wire cage does not have to be covered but as long as the rabbit has something to lay on or stand on to prevent sore hocks.
My laptop is being so stupid. I just got it like a week or so ago, and I'll be typing a big long post, and it will erase somehow. Or pull up a new tab, or the favorites thing. Its so annoying!

So anyway, I emailed a lionhead breeder. He hasn't emailed me back yet. I basically just asked if he had any for sale. He lives like 20 minutes away from me, and I want to go check it all out before I make any definite plans.
MCatCar wrote:
So anyway, I emailed a lionhead breeder. He hasn't emailed me back yet. I basically just asked if he had any for sale. He lives like 20 minutes away from me, and I want to go check it all out before I make any definite plans.
A very good idea, if the breeder doesn't want you to come and see their operation or gives you excuses, not a very good sign.
So, the Lionhead breeder finally emailed me back, he does have lionheads for sale, and after I get a cage, and my Dad and brother get the garage cleaned up really good, I'm going to get the cage from one of my friends, and all the supplies with it, and then make an appointment to see him at his rabbitry.

He also raises Holland Lops, another favorite breed of mine!

SO, hopefully, if things go as planned, I'll be having a bun within the next few weeks!
The garage is half-way cleaned up! Hopefully it will get done today, so that I can make an appointment this week!

Happy Mothers Day!
The garage is fully cleaned, my dad is making the stand for the cage tommorow, and we're going to look at a cage myfriend has! :)

Then, if we get the cage, we can make an appointment to see the Lionhead rabbitry!

I'm excited, and I'm hoping things keep going smoothly! :)
It seems like things are falling in place for you :)

Keep updating us with the progress. Maybe you could start a list of things to ask the breeder? And look into other things you need, apart from cage and rabbit.
I'm sick today, so I won't be able to go see the cage. :( But, it gives me time to make the list of other things that I need, which I was planning on doing.

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