What kind of toys does he have? I'm onlyasking because I had bought all these throwing and rolling toys when Ifirst got my bunns. They wanted chew toys and started chewing myentertainment center. I figured they wanted to chew so I got a bunch ofwilow sticks, toilet paper tubes filled with hay, wood blocks and awicker basket. They leave the furniture alone.
Maybe Marshmellow wants different chew toys.
There is a bitter apple spry you can buy but I've heard of onetoo many bunns who found the taste to be pretty yummy.
Perhaps you can buy a water gun or spray bottle. Leave the roomand soon as you hear him doing it very carefully peep around the cornerand a little water to the butt with a stern NO may help.
If it's only certain spots he's chewing you may want to trysprinkling regular ground pepper on the spots he's chewing. You may beable to put flooringtiles on the spots to deter him.
I hope this helps.