marshmallows rabbit rescue!

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May I ask what area in Illinois you are located?I go to college and I work a lot, but if you are in the centralIllinois area I'd love to help out every now and then!
Lindsey wrote:
May I ask what area in Illinois you are located? I go tocollege and I work a lot, but if you are in the central Illinois areaI'd love to help out every now and then!
hello lindsey im in central illinois. im located inchenoa which is about 20 mins north of bloomington. i wouldlove to have you by one day even if its just a one time thingany help is always appreciated!

also good news i think i may have Ethel adopted out ! i hadan email from someone who raises rabbits and is looking to getanother. she sounds very promising ! wish ethelluck that she finds a new home :)
brimmhere wrote:
Lindsey wrote:
May Iask what area in Illinois you are located? I go to college and I work alot, but if you are in the central Illinois area I'd love to help outevery now and then!
hello lindsey im in central illinois. im located inchenoa which is about 20 mins north of bloomington. i wouldlove to have you by one day even if its just a one time thingany help is always appreciated!

also good news i think i may have Ethel adopted out ! i hadan email from someone who raises rabbits and is looking to getanother. she sounds very promising ! wish ethelluck that she finds a new home:)
Wonderful! Perhaps sometime in thesummer when I don't have classes. :) (I'd really like to visitBloomington anyway!)
well the AGdpt says you dont need thespecial license then i wouldnt worry aboutit just now then, , thatsvery goodhear , Itold ya reciepts, keep hold of them ,did you geta taxfolder so they are all in one place , that way noscrounging at the end of the year ! ,Ethel and Lucy are such beautiful rabbits , Ihadnt seen that breed before , Butafter seeing them 2 lovelys i wentlooking , such a pretty rabbit .

Just remember you need to showloss for the first year to be able to getrefunded a good most of yourmoney , In this buisness that isnt very hard toshow ( * grumble ) Dont forget to keep Vet reciepts also ,they are deductable . Make sure theVet puts the rabbits name on itBefore i forget to ask Are youkeeping a book on all the rabbits that comein and are adopted out ? , Ifnot you really shouldalong with a good picture of them , keepin these books

The day you got them in ,

what type of rabbit, with picture,

age , breed and gender ,

with or without kits , altered or spayed ,

most importantly who you got them from if they provide it ,

date they were adopted out with the name of the new owner .

This way If they happen to besurrendered again you know the historyand have a picture back up . I have done thiswith every adult and babyborn here, That way alsoany new owner will get tosee the picture of what helooked like , then and now , It willspeak volumes for you . '

What i use is the 3 ringbinders with lined or unlinedpaper , , granted it takes a bit of spacebut the time and effort youtake with it now the better inthe long run, Have you gottenyour Digi cam yet lol savesmoney for film . andyou can print it off thecomputer for even more savings , asdeveloping films get expensive aftera short time. If you need tochat or need moreanswers please feel free toIm me .

naa still havent gotten the cam i really need tothough! so far ive gotten some folders for all the adoptionpaper work, release forms, history sheets for each bunny.this really does help keep track of whos who and what i know about eachone.

yes these three champagne rabbits are so beautiful!! ivelearned with research on the breed that they are born black and turnsilver the older they get. pretty neat o lol
My Thunder is a N Z cross/Lop something or another and i have her babypicture , she started out silver /grey andturned that brown black , that she is now, she was beautiful as a baby and evenmore so now lol . I loe watching colorchanges with Rabbits it always amazes me, I had the pleasureof watching the WildHare we took care of here , when my hubbyrescued him he was in winterphase and when wereleased him he was in hissummer tan / brown phase itwas so cool,it seemed every day you could watchthe white go away

I always make a folder on eachrabbit makes life a bit simplier, and If you shouldneed some bit of informationits right there and accessable . andif your brain chip malfunctionslike mine does all thetime i always have aback up lol