Marlin, Morgan, and Brody.

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Oh gosh, that's so funny! I wonder how long it took him to do all that. Your bunnies are so sweet! I had to show my boyfriend the pictures. Also, what a good idea to get that kind of rug. I'm in the process of building Rory a new cage and have tiles on the bottom. Although the tiles are fairly rough (I chose them because he hates slippery surfaces), he doesn't seem to be very pleased with them. A couple rag rugs would be perfect and I wouldn't need to worry about him eating them as much! He's never actually eaten fabric, but rag rugs seem safer than normal carpeting that has the little fibers.

Oh, and I find it amusing that he chewed up Marlin's rug instead of his own!
Pics + conversation was so funny, I laughted so much! Especially with this "who, me??? no way!" innocent look on Morgan's face!

Fleece blankies work great, too, Shiloh....that is what I give Brody, and apparently that is what I need to give Marlin, but on the other side of his cage, lol.

Morgan also loves to pull Brody's fleece blankies through the cage bars, he is a total carpet/blankie hog. He will also try to pull through any toys.

Yep, Morgan is always "innocent". I could never be mad at him for doing such a funny
thing, lol :p.

Bo...Did you see the look on Marlin's face in the background of the picture you quoted :D?

Oh, and last night when I went to clean up the "carpet murder scene", Morgan plopped himself in the pile and kept nudging my hand out of the when I went to pick up all the strands of fabric.

Maybe he's nesting :laughsmiley:.

LOL! That is so cute and funny, it made me spit water all over my laptop!

I love how Morgan has his own carpet but decided to shred Marlins, naughty! :biggrin2:
Hee hee - such silly things buns are! :D

I dunno if you did already, but if you didn't, you should put this in your blog so that we can go back when we need a giggle :biggrin2:
undergunfire wrote:

Morgan: "It's nothing, really. Mind your own business, move on with your day."


Haha, this quote had me in stitches! Like 'well, what you looking at? You look as if you've never seen a carpet shredded before! Jeez...'

I think Shormgie has decided that he will live with out a shredded carpet. He is still mad at me for taking it out, though. Poor Marlin has been sleeping on the hard floor. I have to cut up some fleece and make him a blankie.

We got this new cardboard box shredder at work for packaging our products, so I am going to buy some cardboard boxes from Walmart or something and have them shredded at work. The machine shreds almost a "weave" effect on the it looks like a cardboard "grass" mat.

I'll have to give it a test run on the bunnies and see how it goes. If anyone would like to have a cardboard mat shreddie, then we can arrange for me to send one (or more) to you :). I think cardboard boxes are like $1 or something from Walmart, then it would cost a couple dollars to ship it to you. I still think it would be cheaper then ordering grass mats from Busy Bunny or something :p.

Great idea, MsBinky! Can a mod (attention: Bo) move this to my blog :biggrin2:?
Woohooo :biggrin2:

Glad to see this here! Lol. Seriously makes me laugh...


Marlin: "Mooooooooooom look what he did! He destroyed my brand new carpet!" *Gives the butt and thumps his disapproval, while thinking of his revenge*

Morgan: "What?! It's just a carpet! Gosh, Marlin is such a cry baby!"

"The machine shreds almost a "weave" effect on the it looks like a cardboard "grass" mat. I'll have to give it a test run on the bunnies and see how it goes."

Nooo! Don't put your bunnies through the shredder, no one here wants a bunny mat! :craziness
SnowyShiloh wrote:
"The machine shreds almost a "weave" effect on the it looks like a cardboard "grass" mat. I'll have to give it a test run on the bunnies and see how it goes."

Nooo! Don't put your bunnies through the shredder, no one here wants a bunny mat! :craziness

HAHAHAHA! You know what I meant :p.

This machine is SHARP, SHARP,'d have 16 "weaved" fingers on each hand of they went through this machine, lol.

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