Well-Known Member
Hi, Jordiwes! :wave2 Thanks! I'm sure thebunnies would beg to differ :rollseyes: but that's always a nice thingto hear from rabbit lovers.
They nearly fought over parsley. I made the mistake of feeding themboth outside their cages. Never again, I swear. :nope They ate so fast,it was like a race. Mocha finished hers first and tried to get theother end of the stem Marbles was eating.:nono Marbles gotticked off and bucked. Over parsley. :craziness Go figure. Mocha dovefor it and stuck her wee little head to the ground till I separatedMarbles and calmed him down (which in reality only took all of fortyseconds but felt like forever). I felt so bad for the little girl.Poor, poor baby. No one got hurt and they're back to being snugglebunnies although they seem to prefer exploring separately now.
Hey, Soooska! :wave:Thanks? :whistling:lol: They're mixed breed rabbits. Predominantly dutch, people gather from the markings.
They nearly fought over parsley. I made the mistake of feeding themboth outside their cages. Never again, I swear. :nope They ate so fast,it was like a race. Mocha finished hers first and tried to get theother end of the stem Marbles was eating.:nono Marbles gotticked off and bucked. Over parsley. :craziness Go figure. Mocha dovefor it and stuck her wee little head to the ground till I separatedMarbles and calmed him down (which in reality only took all of fortyseconds but felt like forever). I felt so bad for the little girl.Poor, poor baby. No one got hurt and they're back to being snugglebunnies although they seem to prefer exploring separately now.
Hey, Soooska! :wave:Thanks? :whistling:lol: They're mixed breed rabbits. Predominantly dutch, people gather from the markings.