Well-Known Member
Okay Im confussed. ( it wouldnt be the firsttime)
Is bub a FawnFlemish? Looks like one to me, but issomebody saying that he is a palomino? IM SO CONFUSED. I MUST KNOW.What kind is he?
Always thought that he was a flemish. lOl. Kind of hopping you say heis cause i raise flemish and would hate to find out that I am wrongabout one!

JK Ican take it when I amwrong. I guess if I really really have to any way.
He sure is a awesome rabbit. I love the big bunnies that you can justdo about anything to and they dont care, and they are totally trusting.That takes a specail rabbit and a specail loving, carring owner.
Always thought that he was a flemish. lOl. Kind of hopping you say heis cause i raise flemish and would hate to find out that I am wrongabout one!
He sure is a awesome rabbit. I love the big bunnies that you can justdo about anything to and they dont care, and they are totally trusting.That takes a specail rabbit and a specail loving, carring owner.