Many, Many 'Pets' Need Homes

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Delphinum wrote:
Socks looks like he has rex fur... he could be a bluerex? Not sure, he just looks the same type as ourHenry.

They're all gorgeous though! I hope the other animals areokay. I hate seeing a situation like that. I don'tunderstand it when people take on that many animals. Myfriend has 6 dogs and none of them get the attention theyneed.
it really comes down to the person, some can't eventake care of 1 animal let alone several, while other care for many withno troubles. Some people just don't understand their ownlimits. I've turned many people down when they wanted me to take theirrabbits because i know I have limits, plus I wont bring any sick onesinto my house, that is extreamly unfair to my other guys. ok the bed iscalling my name off i go
LOL!!!! Oreo and Frenchie have been with me awhile and I would never give them up!! Oreo is a "pet shop save" andFrenchie....well, I just couldn't resist those ears! Once the rabbitscome here, it takes a lot for me to even consider giving them away.Good homes, are hard to find as I am so picky about their care, etc..Charlotte
Gabby wrote:
[/quote]it really comes down to the person, some can't even take careof 1 animal let alone several, while other care for many with notroubles. Some people just don't understand their own limits. I'veturned many people down when they wanted me to take their rabbitsbecause i know I have limits, plus I wont bring any sick ones into myhouse, that is extreamly unfair to my other guys. ok the bed is callingmy name off i go[/quote]

I agree, there is a limit to what only one person can take on. I havereached mine. My house is full and I clean, constantly (my Shop-Vac isattached to my hip!!!). There are so many things to consider whenadopting and/or rescueing any animal. One of htem being: Who the heckis responsible enough to take care of them when you need to go away formore than a day?!!!! I also have to consider who will be able to carefor my 2 "special needs" bunnies! Charlotte

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