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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
, California, USA
As most of you know Bugs had babies on Oct.21.04.Well I still had a couple of them and I thought they were allboys...but apparently not! One or them Is a girl...and the other girlwe gave to my friend a long time ago... Well I was wondering if thegirl could already have gotten pregnant at only 3 months old. They areall three months old. Could the males be muture at this young age?
Bucks can impregnate a doe at 12 weeks of age and does can become pregnant at 12 weeks.
OMG. What do I do! What if the girl bunnies arepregnant! My Mom wont let me keep them if they are! SOMEONE HELP!Someone put the mother back in the cage with the boy babies! what ifshe is pregnant and her daughter too! I THINK MY SISTERS FRIEND PUTBUGS BACK IN WITH THE BABIES.! i got her out as soon as I could...but Ibet they are both pregnant. I am so mad right now and worried, what doyou all suggest I do? HELP!
I can't do that to them, the babies are too biginside her stomach already. I already seperated them. I am starting totry to fond homes before the babies are gone.

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