Alot of people say that its not a good idea to have abonded pair consisting of a neutered male and an unneutered female.
What is the generall thought around here? when i've had rabbits before like this i didn't have problems but can it be conected to the size of there living area? i.e lots of space happy to share it?
Any idea's because i'm not keen on putting my new bun through surgary.....bad experiance with other bun
they love eacother at the moment and only met on friday!! although i must add that the rabbit i have had for 4 years is beyond tame and is just brilliant, more interested in food than anything else and i just cant imagine what new bun could do to upset him. he even trys snuggling with my mums cats when i go look after her house when shes on holiday!! the cats aren't so keen!
Anyway any thoughts?
What is the generall thought around here? when i've had rabbits before like this i didn't have problems but can it be conected to the size of there living area? i.e lots of space happy to share it?
Any idea's because i'm not keen on putting my new bun through surgary.....bad experiance with other bun
Anyway any thoughts?