Makes me sooo mad! (vent)

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I hope he gets a large fine. Hit him where it hurts. Good idea with going there in a month or two. Maybe bring a shotgun too, to teach him a lesson if he does go back to this 'rabbit breeding'-joking :).
Hey, my thinking's not too far off!! LOL!!

(Methinks Miss Spring is only!!)

Spring wrote:
I hope he gets a large fine. Hit him where it hurts. Good idea with going there in a month or two. Maybe bring a shotgun too, to teach him a lesson if he does go back to this 'rabbit breeding'-joking :).
Oh, I only put the 'joking' part so I wouldn't have legal trouble ;). Hehe, but I would love to just pull the trigger on moronpeople like that!
People that are in such a pinch for money to make poor animals suffer aren't worthy to live. I just wish I could save them all, but in reality there's still going to be dumb people like that who are trying to make some change as easy as possible. But, I still haven't done this, but if I rescue atleast a few buns, it'll make a huge improvement to the whole bun situation.. Hmm [HEY MOM! CAN I GET A FEW MORE RABBITS?... NO....] aww shucks I would have the house bursting with these little creatures.. but only one thing stands in my way.. reality :D.

Well, I feel like having a tantrum..



I still need a rescue bun.. How is Flower btw? :D.
LOL!! I agree completely...with all you!!

Flower's great! She's growing insanely!! The vet said Maisie's about 4.5lbs, which would make Flower 6lbs at least. I'm just blown away!! She's grown so much in the month and a half since we've had her! She eats an enormous amount!! We're going to have to expand on her cage soon, she's getting so big! Makes me wonder what size she'll be when she's full-grown! :shock:

We're in the process of finding her a stuffed toy buddy because I had the idea recently to give it a shot, and she was SO HAPPY to have a friend!! The only reason we didn't stick with the one we gave her is because I was told not to give them toys that have hard plastic eyes and such, and the one we'd given her did.

Both buns are really lovey...but I tell ya, Flower is one grateful lovey-dovey little bunny! If I even look at her, she perks up all excited that she might get some love! Every time I look at her, she's gazing me....while eating, while laying down, while's so adorable! Maisie's my tough bird, and Flower's my little softy. Its so cute!

I love my babies!!! :bunnydance::bunnydance:
Aww! So cute! Maybe try putting some rice in an old sock and heating it up? Not only will it be fuzzy, it will be warm so she might think it's somebunny :D. I knowGretchen bonded with her sock after her spay :D.
:threadhijacked-I am very proud of you and am glad you could save even a few buns.

maherwoman- Thank you for posting about Flower I having been thinking about your great rescue lately and wondering how it turned out. You will have to post some pics of her as she gets bigger:wink:

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