He talks to his eats???
Never heard that before.
You're one Special Lady for Mickey not to grunt, attack, or be snippywith you. He was so bad with Buck. That's the one bun Buck had to putin his place and show him who The Kahuna Bunny was. The Missus had aneasier time of it, but Oh All that Buck did for Mickey and he was suchan Ingrate. :disgust:
The comfort and love you gave Buck by taking his rabbits to your homeis something that I can never express how deeply grateful he was for.He was very choosey as to who he'd adopt them out to. He was sorelieved that you were willing. Bless your heart, Dootsmom. If I'vesaid it 1 time, I've said it 1,000 times, you are a Godsend.
The overwhelming feeling I have of gratitude for Maizie, Mitsy, andMickey and the home they went to after Buck passed is beyond words. I'mso glad that through you, we learned the rest of how they lived outtheir lives. I couldn't think of a better place than in your lovingcare.
What a nice Christmas present for Buck to have been reunited with hislittle girl. I'm so sorry it had to happen to you on Christmas, though.Know that you went 100 extra miles, Charlotte, and you are loved bymany - on earth and in Heaven.
Thank you for all you do. I'm truly sorry for your loss, Dear Heart.