Well-Known Member
Question for you guys (and bear in mind that this has been happening since before Flower came to live with us):
Maisie just doesn't seem to have the desire to come out of her cageanymore. I'm not sure why. We even went so far asto build a little pen out of spare NIC panels, and wouldn't let thekitties in it, and she STILL didn't really want to come out!!She came out to give me kisses and get a bit of petting for about tenminutes, but that was it. Afterward, she went back in hercage, went to her upstairs level, and had a snack, and went to sleep.
Any ideas, guys?? Could it just behormone-related?? She's eating, drinking, peeing and poopingjust fine, so she's okay physically...she just doesn't want to playoutside her cage anymore. I'm confused...:?
I see her playing in her cage every now and then (like she throws hernew wire ball around, and she loves to roll it down her ramp), but shejust doesn't have the desire to come out and play OUTSIDE the cageanymore.:what:foreheadsmack::dunno::rollseyes::sigh:dunno:headsmack
This is Maisie when I sit there and call her like a goofball...:not listening
Maisie just doesn't seem to have the desire to come out of her cageanymore. I'm not sure why. We even went so far asto build a little pen out of spare NIC panels, and wouldn't let thekitties in it, and she STILL didn't really want to come out!!She came out to give me kisses and get a bit of petting for about tenminutes, but that was it. Afterward, she went back in hercage, went to her upstairs level, and had a snack, and went to sleep.
Any ideas, guys?? Could it just behormone-related?? She's eating, drinking, peeing and poopingjust fine, so she's okay physically...she just doesn't want to playoutside her cage anymore. I'm confused...:?
I see her playing in her cage every now and then (like she throws hernew wire ball around, and she loves to roll it down her ramp), but shejust doesn't have the desire to come out and play OUTSIDE the cageanymore.:what:foreheadsmack::dunno::rollseyes::sigh:dunno:headsmack
This is Maisie when I sit there and call her like a goofball...:not listening