Maisie doesn't want to come out...:(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Question for you guys (and bear in mind that this has been happening since before Flower came to live with us):

Maisie just doesn't seem to have the desire to come out of her cageanymore. I'm not sure why. We even went so far asto build a little pen out of spare NIC panels, and wouldn't let thekitties in it, and she STILL didn't really want to come out!!She came out to give me kisses and get a bit of petting for about tenminutes, but that was it. Afterward, she went back in hercage, went to her upstairs level, and had a snack, and went to sleep.

Any ideas, guys?? Could it just behormone-related?? She's eating, drinking, peeing and poopingjust fine, so she's okay physically...she just doesn't want to playoutside her cage anymore. I'm confused...:?

I see her playing in her cage every now and then (like she throws hernew wire ball around, and she loves to roll it down her ramp), but shejust doesn't have the desire to come out and play OUTSIDE the cageanymore.:what:foreheadsmack::dunno::rollseyes::sigh:dunno:headsmack

This is Maisie when I sit there and call her like a goofball...:not listening
Fun with smilies, I see. :biggrin

Maybe Maisie'sa homebody, likes to be where she'ssafe. A lot of rabbits don't do well with too much territory,it stresses them out. Although Pipp appears to want to runaround the house and play, in reality, she's checking it out to makesure it's safe and she knows the layout. Since she's beenconfined to one room, she's actually a happier, less anxious littlerabbit. (And she never seemed anxious, she seemed curious,but now that she's confined to one room, she really seems happier).

Radar lived in a room with thedoor open for months andmonths, and never crossed thethreshold.

Sherry likes her tub. She likes coming out, but she'll go back in on her own.

Dill and Darry on the other hand, would prefer the run of the house--Dill in particular. When he runs around, it'sjoyful. He was a caged bunny for a long time, he loves hisout time. (Which is all the time, here). Trying toget either of those two to go back to their cages/areas is a battle.

So they really areindividuals. I'd actuallyratherhave a bunny that actually prefers acage. Less guilt, fewer chewed walls andwires. ;)

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
You know, when you said she eats and drinks andthen goes to reminded me of my 13 year old nephew, who, bycoincidence, NEVER leaves his bedroom!
I am thinking she is the equivalent of a hormonal teenager. You know how THEY can be! lolol ;)

Ok, thanks guys. It might be somethingthat's just continuing since us moving here about a month and a halfago. Maybe she's just never really adjusted to feelcomfortable?

At our last place, she came out all the time, and even asked constantlyto come out! But since moving here, she's been much morecautious (hasn't stopped stretching her way out of the cage instead ofhopping out). If I could hold her to make her morecomfortable like I did when she came home with us, I would...but she'sbeen resisting that for over a month now. LOL!! :)

Is there anything I can do to make her feel more comfortable?
could there be anything in the room that mightbe scaring her? Maybe something fell and startled her, or maybe thereis something in the room that wasn't there before?

I also noticed that Trix gets scared to go from carpet to the woodfloors...don't know why...but she does. I remember someone else on herewho said their rabbit won't walk on tile....
Hmmmm...that's a thought, Trixie. Ourlast place had carpet, and this one has faux wood floors.Maybe that's what it is. Maybe the reason Flower doesn't havea problem is because the floor isn't a change for her.

Good thinking! How can I make this easier forMaisie? I was happy not to have carpet anymore because sherips carpet out and eats I'm weary of getting a rug.

Any ideas?
maherwoman wrote:
Hmmmm...that's a thought, Trixie. Our last placehad carpet, and this one has faux wood floors. Maybe that'swhat it is. Maybe the reason Flower doesn't have a problem isbecause the floor isn't a change for her.

Good thinking! How can I make this easier forMaisie? I was happy not to have carpet anymore because sherips carpet out and eats I'm weary of getting a rug.

Any ideas?

I put an old velveteen blanket on the floor. When I first gotTrix, she didn't binky at all until I put the blanket down. We call ither "binky blanky" cause as soon as we put it down, she was binkyingall over the place! You can try that....
I found a rug at Target that is about the rightsize, and is only about $17 that we're considering buying now that weknow Maisie's uncomfortability with the floor. I know thishas the be the problem, because when we would bring Maisie down to thefirst floor of our last place, which had a tile floor, she didn'treally want to much of anywhere (even when we put a sheetdown).


I thought it was also kinda pretty. It also says the following about it, which I liked:

• Backing is non-skid latex to prevent slipping
• Tufted for extra comfort underfoot

Good that it has a non-slip base, so we won't have to worry about itmoving around with the many binkies that will no doubt follow herdiscovering she no longer has to walk on the bare floor. :)

We'll just continue to keep an eye on her and tell her no when shetries to eat it (which she understands and listens to). Idon't mind...she seems to prefer carpet even to a sheet on the ground(when we tried a blanket, she peed on, so we'll just get arug. :)

Thank you so much for helping me figure this out, guy!! And Maisie thanks you, too!! :bunnydance:
LOL!! NO!! I meant forthat to be guyS...I'm such adork.:thud:whistling:foreheadsmack:Funny how much difference one letter can mean, huh?LOL!! :rollseyes::lookaround:blushan

TrixieRabbit wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Thank youso much for helping me figure this out, guy!! And Maisiethanks you, too!! :bunnydance:

You callin' me a guy? lolol.....:?
maherwoman wrote:
LOL!! NO!! I meant for that to beguyS...I'm such adork.:thud:whistling:foreheadsmack:Funny how much difference one letter can mean, huh?LOL!! :rollseyes::lookaround:blushan

TrixieRabbit wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Thank youso much for helping me figure this out, guy!! And Maisiethanks you, too!! :bunnydance:

You callin' me a guy? lolol.....:?

LOLOL! :bunnydance:

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