Magnet and Smores

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The latest on our two minilops...Magnet isslowly learning not to kill Smores...Smores on the other hand reallydoesn't get how to interact with Magnet. They've had a coupleof dates in the bathtub, but Magnet reeeeeallly hated that idea (heactually ran away when it came to getting picked up. So we'retrying the kitchen floor, neither of them really go in there, and itdoesn't require picking them up to go in there. Magnet didput his head down a couple times to get groomed by Smores...but thatonly lasted a couple of seconds before Magnet lost his patience andwent to nip Smores. Oh well...very slow progress with thesetwo. Hopefully they'll be at least friends, if not goodfriends by the time Smores goes to get neutered. In themeantime, some pictures for everybody....

What do you mean, I have to share playtime? Sigh...

Hey, what are these toys? What happened to my enormous box?


The bathtub date:


General Smores pics...he's getting old and getting gray spots on his face and all along the bottom of his body ;)





Smores had a bit of poopy butt that got stuck to his fur...he doesn'treally know how to clean himself yet, so he needed a little buttbath...he's better now.



All I have to say is ADORABLE, ADORABLE AND ADORABLE. They will make a beautiful couple once they are bonded,


Awwwwww !!!!!

They're just too cute for words...though it's taking time, I'm gladthings are going as well as they are with bonding thus far. :)

Love and hugs!

Rosie and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Aww they are such a cute pair!:bunnyheart:bunnyheart Both at the top of my bunnynapping list! So watch out...:witch:
Good news on the bunny front...we've hadgrooming/snuggling! Of course, it's only been Smores lickingMagnet a little bit, but better than nothing, right? Magnetis getting a little more patient with Smores, and when we weren'tpaying that much attention to them, we caught them snuggling (I'll dlthe picture tomorrow).

There is one thing we don't get about bunny behavior...they have sharedplaytime, and Magnet loves to go into Smores' cage, eats his hay, hisfood, drinks some water, and might poop a little in the litterbox. We've repeatedly told him no, chased him out, but hestill does it. He did it so much that we closed the door onhis cage and left him in there for a while and put Smores in Magnet'sbunny mansion (he's too scared to go up the ramps so he just stays onthe bottom floor). Is this behavior ok, or is there somethingwe can do to stop it?

Overall, progress is being made, slowly but surely. :highfive:
As promised here's the "snuggling" picture..also some of Magnet laying next to the heater...he must have been cold :(




Aww lovely!:inlove: Pebble lays against pipes too.:)

Can't really help with the bonding questions, haven't really had that's all to come though:?
The latest on the bunny front...Magnet and Smores haven't been getting totally along. They'll be good for a few weeks, snuggle and groom each other, play in their box. But then they'll have a scuffle. It's been happening more often recently, but we have no idea what the cause of their disagreements could be. We're pretty sure Smores starts most of the fights and Magnet defends himself. They'll even lay next to each other for an hour and out of nowhere, we hear the telltale sounds of a scuffle. So they've been getting separate playtimes, but there's only so much time in the day. Any suggestions?

Also, Smores does not like us at all it seems. He won't respond like Magnet does to the treat box being shaked and come running. If he has his way, he'll go hide in the box and we can't get him out. We can't ever pet him...we get one pet and he runs away. If we're lying on the ground, he might come up to us and investigate what we're doing, but go to touch him and off he goes. Magnet is the complete opposite. He loves body rubs and will happily melt into the floor.

Here are lots of pictures though...

Chillin in the tube

I am King...bow to me!

Aaahhh, nice cold weight to lay my head on

Pulling the crispy chew off the hanging toy

Double DBF

Pet me slave!

Alright, I'll groom you this once.

This is about the closest Smores will get, and that's only cause I have a banana slice in my hand


More snuggle

Who's interrupting snuggle time?

Don't flop any further over Magnet, you might fall off!

Battle over the good water bottle!!

Fluffy bunny tail!

Such a tough life

Snuggle in the kitchen

So sleepy



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