Well-Known Member
The latest on our two minilops...Magnet isslowly learning not to kill Smores...Smores on the other hand reallydoesn't get how to interact with Magnet. They've had a coupleof dates in the bathtub, but Magnet reeeeeallly hated that idea (heactually ran away when it came to getting picked up. So we'retrying the kitchen floor, neither of them really go in there, and itdoesn't require picking them up to go in there. Magnet didput his head down a couple times to get groomed by Smores...but thatonly lasted a couple of seconds before Magnet lost his patience andwent to nip Smores. Oh well...very slow progress with thesetwo. Hopefully they'll be at least friends, if not goodfriends by the time Smores goes to get neutered. In themeantime, some pictures for everybody....
What do you mean, I have to share playtime? Sigh...
Hey, what are these toys? What happened to my enormous box?
The bathtub date:
General Smores pics...he's getting old and getting gray spots on his face and all along the bottom of his body
Smores had a bit of poopy butt that got stuck to his fur...he doesn'treally know how to clean himself yet, so he needed a little buttbath...he's better now.
What do you mean, I have to share playtime? Sigh...
Hey, what are these toys? What happened to my enormous box?
The bathtub date:
General Smores pics...he's getting old and getting gray spots on his face and all along the bottom of his body
Smores had a bit of poopy butt that got stuck to his fur...he doesn'treally know how to clean himself yet, so he needed a little buttbath...he's better now.