Magic goes crazy! Rabbit hopper gone wild!

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Hi everyone!

I taught Riley to jump in my room at 12 inches. He is only 3 months old. I know that he can jump 2'6 though because he jumps up the couch! Where did you get those standards for the jumps? Did you make them? How do you get them to jump with the lead and harness on? I can NOT get Riley to actually follow me on the lead tho! How do you do it? Thanks!
Hey Horselvrkc! That's cool that you taught riley how to jump. By the way he's absolutely adorable in your avatar! What breed is he? Magic can also jump up onto the couch, which i think is absolutely adoring, he loves it when i make stairs out of pillows for him. he constantly runs up and down them and its so cute.

As for the harness & leash training, it takes a while. You can't lead them, because that would mean tugging and all. You can give directions though. Magic knows if i tug right, he goes right. It's not a hard tug, just a simple tug, it's hard to explain. Anyways, me and my dad made those jumps. They're actually not to standards. Some of them, like the cross bars, i simply make with bricks and poles. Very easy to raise with two bricks underneath and a stick to prevent him from going underneath. He actually needs some training today as he hasn't trained for about a week and a half. I have to set all the jumps back out again as well.

Do you have a camera to take pics of riley jumping? That'd be awesome if you could post them here!

Emily & Magic :)
Yea i do have a camera, id like to post some up! i will try, its just that i am using stacked up tissue boxes for his jumps! i just lead him over them with a treat. Riley is a rex, but hes smaller now obviously;). even when i give a gentle pull, he wont come. i guess it takes some time. I wil try to post again for his jumping!!

I haven't posted here in a while. No new pics of Magic jumping, but I may get some today, not sure.

His latest jumping record is 16 inches on a 6-straight-bar single jump. No other jumps on the course, he just kept going over this one. I actually used the very colorful bars that go on crohcet clubs, but i unscrewed them from the hammer-like part and put them on two cases (like water bottles come in, they have different level notches) and it worked well. they fell easily if Magic nudged them too, which was nice; besides the hard part of putting them back up and getting them to stay.

Emily & Magic
Thanks Leaf. Lol. I'll have to get some more pictures soon. I had Magic out for training yesterday because I have to give a presentation on rabbit hopping for my 4-h club and then the same thing at fair, so I'm working with him. Yesterday he was doing pretty good. He was jumping about 11-15 inches, with the smallest jump being about 3 inches. He almost did a HUGE double oxer that had 1.4 feet inbetween the two bars, but he backed out at the last second, lol. And then he just went through it and over the last bar instead. He was jumping pretty good though.

I'll be working with him tomorrow on cross-bars, oxers, water jumps, straight-bars and some more. These jumps won't be very tall, but the tallest should be 14 inches. What I'll do is measure all the jumps before he jumps them and then write them down on a piece of paper. I'll also take some pics of the course before jumping. I'm planning on having about 15-20 jumps that goes around the couch in my den. It'll be pretty sweet and I'm so looking forward to it! Most of these jumps will be bounce jumps (with just one hop between them) but I'll make it so that he'll have to go at least 2 hops between jumps.

For the presentation, he won't be jumping more than 12 inches, since it will be a new enviroment and new people. But it will be good for his confidence of jumping in public, hehe. I'll train him some more tomorrow and get some pictures too!

Emily & Magic

Hey everyone! Today I took Magic out for some exercise, well, I brought him inside. It took me a while to set up the jumps, which I didn't even use them all but 1! After I set up the 10-jump course, I had Magic go around it about 2 or three times. He went completely around the water jump! And he knocked down the blanket jump. After a while he was going over the larger jumps, so I decided to get out my camera and take some snapshots.

Let me tell you! Oh boy is it hard to snap photos of a jumping rabbit when your only 2.5 feet away, you are trying to encourage him to jump and trying to take the pic at the same time! I'm lucky i got some good pics of him! hehe. Ok so here they are! **Note: sorry for the fingers in some pics, it's hard to tell where the flash is when I have my hand on it, my bad! Also, captions are below the pics!

*This was the first really good one of him, and the only one of him actually in mid-air! Tee-hee!*

*Landing the same jump. By the way, this jump is in all pictures. It stood tall at 8 1/2 inches....not counting when Magic took the top bar off and jumped the tinsy2 cm crosses at the bottom.....!*

*" jump....THIS!? You gotta be CRAZY lady!" *

*" Hehe, how's that Mom!?" *

*"Pfffttt, Pathetic! If I jump that Toby will call me a whoosy!" (Toby is my cat that can jump 3 feet high and two feet wide! I call it, CAT HOPPING! Lol.)*

*"Captain Magic to co-pilot....we have take off....over!"*

MORE TO COME tomorrow!Photobucket isbeing a pain the @$$ right now.


Emily &Magic

I love that last picture caption!! It is great. Toby is Shari's cat not yours but oh well. Those pics are really good of Magic!!:pinkbouce:

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