Mad Bunny Pictures?

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Now my Buster ALWAYS looks mad, but Tucks, he doesn't have mean bone in his body...

I get these nasty looks almost on a DAILY basis from this one...


Hah. Your Buster looks identical to my Anakin.How cute. He doesn't yawn like that yet. Both of mine are pissy whenyou take pictures of them. I made a deal with Tiny B that I wouldn'ttake pictures of her in her cage, so half of the time when I get thecamera out she runs to her cage.


^ Anakin ripping up the Sunday paper (that was fun to pick up!)

^ she wasn't too happy about that one.

WOW! :shock:

Look at those temper tantrums! :growl:


"Night of the Lepus" - Watch Out!


Harold was convinced the bag was after him.He just had to kill it! Bad Bag!


And here he is giving me the butt...


Judy says "Get that thing out of my face!"



This pic reminds me of the one with the pancake on its head. It's allover the internet. For those of you who has never seen that pic, hereit is.

Everythime I seethis picture all I can thinkof is a sweetlittle girl all dressedand reay to go tochurch .


Pam I love the new Avatar !

Don't you dare come near my cage or I will thrash you till kingdom come!

You should have seen what Mocha did when we let them out in the bunny room together!:shock:
I'd really like to know where Tucker gets off giving ME a dirty look when HE gets in trouble?!


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