Macey had blood in her litterbox

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Darn night school...i get to the posts all late and stuff! :grumpy:

Yay for Macy!!! Woo HOO...I mean, I know she is not all better yet, but this is good news! :biggrin2:

Montana...kudos to you for noticing a change in Macey right away. She is lucky to have you as a bunny slave! :highfive:

So glad you guys figured out what was wrong, and she's now got the meds she needs...GOOD JOB!! :)

Now, for the fun part of spoiling Macey rotten! :D

tundrakatiebean wrote:
:bunnyhug:bunny hugs for Macey!

Did the vetdo a urine culture?

He said there wasn't enough blatter to do that today? Saying she must have peed recently or something.

But when we got in the car she peed on my leg. :shock: Mom wasn't very happy. But yeah, that was another symptom she's had the past few days, using the bathroom a lot.

Anyways, we got her medicine. She has to take 1 ML twice a day for two weeks. He said if she wasn't feeling better by then bring her back and they'll do x rays to make sure she doesn't have stones or anything like that.

But everyone in the vets office loved her. Some lady even told me "That is the only rabbit I've ever seen that looks like she has some sort of personality". That really shocked me, haha.

And Macey about scratched my neck to death. She didn't want on the vets table, she wanted me to hold her so she kept jumping on me, haha. The vet and vet assistant got a good kick out of that. And if she had to be on the table, she just kept looking up at me.

And while we was in the waiting room, she just stretched out on my lap and licked my fingers. She was so calm with dogs and cats in there too. She really is well behaved.

Ok sorry, I just wanted to brag.

Awww, I'm so glad you got her to the vet, and it's nothing too serious... I was really worried about lovely Macey there!

As Rosie says, now you can just spoil her rotten and nurse her back to health... I'm sure she'll be better in no time :)She's such a lovely cute bunny! :hearts

And I know what you mean about being on the table too- Mouse and Chalk seem to only love me when we're in the vet's surgery- they jump up at me, and snuggle into me, and nuzzle my neck! Usually if the vet has to give them any kind of injection he has to do it while I'm holding them lol! :D

:cool:Jen xx
Aww...poor Macey wanted cute!

Rabbit without a personality?! The only buns I've seen that could possibly qualify were buns that were ignored and unloved...buns stuck in houses way too small for them (as in, not even enough room to turn around...this was years ago), etc.

Macey's such a sweet little girl...I'm so happy she's on her meds...

Keep us posted! :)

:hug: and :hearts to you both! (And Keira, too!)

I hope Macey feels better soon :rose:I'm sure relieved that it wasn't something toooo serious, although I am sure this causes her quite a bit of discomfort. Hugs to you as well because we all know the feeling when one of our babes is sick.
Thanks guys

Yesterday, macey didn't poo very much.

But today it was pretty normal.

She's been taking her medicine, but today she wouldn't take very much.

So do I hold her mouth open and put it in? Or can I put it in her food or something?
You can try mixing it with some banana baby food, or maybe some pumpkin, depending on which she prefers more. (By pumpkin, I mean 100% canned unsweetened pumpkin...kinda like pie filler...never know who will know that and who will not. :))

Hope she's doing well...poor sweetie...and poor you!
I had the same problem with Zeke, he took his antibiotics willingly the first day and then refused it after that. I'm not sure why, I suspect it upset his stomache or had a bad after taste.

For a few days I tried hiding it in honey and baby food. Each trick seemed to work once before he caught on.

After hiding the meds in food stopped working, I talked to the vet and had him show me how to do injectables. I thought is was great. Not only was the antibiotics more powerful and better for his stomache, he didn't seem to mind the injections. Didn't even flinch for the most part.

I got a set of pre-loaded syringes from the vet. I think I had Pen-G that was mixed with saline to reduce the sting. I gave him one injection per day instead of two oral antibiotic doses.

I was also hesitant to hold Zeke down because he had so many stitches in him. I was worried that if he start to struggle he'd burst some stitches. Since Macey doesn't have that to worry about, I wouldn't hesitat to put the syringe in her mouth and squirt the meds in.

Get the syringe in the side of her mouth just behind the front teeth. Aim the meds towards the back and side of her mouth. You don't want to squirt straight back, but too far forward and she'll just spit it back out.

I find a good posisition is to put the bunny on the ground, then kneel behind the bunny with a knee on either side. This prevents the bun from backing up too far. I then lean over the bunny and use both hands to get the meds in their mouth.

She needs the meds, so I know you feel mean, but it's what is best for her. She'll feel better faster if she's getting her full doses on schedule.

Thanks a bunch for the advice! I had to have my brother help me hold her the other night, and today we finally picked up some baby food to put it in. Hopefully she won't catch on like Zeke did. I will cry because I hate fighting with her.

But everything seems normal now. Her eating, drinking, using the bathroom, so hopefully sheit getting better really fast. :)

So theres just a little update for you all. I can't thank everyone enough for caring and helping. It means so much. :hug:
I'm so relieved that Macey is acting herself again! Sorry to hear though that it's not going too well with giving her meds still. It's really sad because they don't know you're helping them, they just wonder why you're being so mean :( My birdy had to be medicated a LOT, pretty much twice a day for a year, and he did not like it. One of the meds I had to drop into his nostrils and I always got sprayed with birdy booger medicine cocktail. Poor guy. It's so important that they get their medicine though and soon Macey will be allllll better!!