Hello lovely caring people

I couldn't get on RO earlier, it seems to be working now.
Lucky is doing very well! And yep, she's been spayed for some time now, was actually operated on twice regarding spaying as the first op didn't go right (long story).
She only made that noise while in the bathroom, which was strange. As soon as she was on my bed, she really cheered up, pooped on my side of the bed etc.
Vet said she had a minor blockage and some gas, and gave meds for both, which seem to have done the trick. I'm sure she enjoyed the outting, she was being very pleasant when we got home. She's eating, pooping, peeing, being active etc.
I also took her ex husband

, BunBun down, as they had a re-bonding scuffle the other day and he had some scabs. They are healing well, he has a couple on his ear I had to get some cream for though.
I'm very pleased to report that all seems well, I'm so happy! I don't know what I would do without you guys :hug: