In the chapter on sugars: "Very young rabbits in particular can develop fatal digestive problems if given too much sugar they do not have the ability to process. Very young rabbits still on their mother's milk have a high ability to digest the milk sugars, lactose and galactose, but little ability to digest fructose." This slowly reverses after weaning.
"Nuts, seeds and grains can be particularly valuable sources of energy for large rabbits like the giant breeds, wool rabbits such as angoras, fur rabbits such as Rex, and any rabbit living where ambient temperatures are low. ... Most healthy adult rabbits will suffer no harm and may benefit from the addition of about one tablespoon of grain such as rolled oats, a tablespoon of seeds such as raw pumpkin seeds, and [This surely should be "or"] a teaspoon or so of nut meats such as almonds or walnuts. This is for rabbits between 4-6 pounds, decrease the amounts slightly for smaller rabbits and increase it slightly for larger ones."
Well, I think that's enough to give you an idea. There's a lot more about vitamins & minerals & how much specific veggies etc have of them. And so on.
And some book sellers seem to feel that this is going to be a collectible some day. All the copies for sale through Amazon but not offered from Amazon are priced at over $50. The Amazon price is $15-16.