RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Perhaps there have been somemisunderstandings and miscommunication on all sides. I see no blatanterrors on anyones side. Sometimes with written word it is hard todecipher what ones true intention is because it's difficult to tellwhat tone was meant.
It seems to me it might be a good idea to wipe the slate clean and move on.
Thanks for putting into words what I feel to be the case as well.
With the new members, I would hope that if you have a problem orcomplaint that you would Private Message the person and ask the personwhat was the comment for. If you aren't comfortable doingthat, feel free to private message me.
I can assure you that the members here are quite helpful and veryknowledgeable about rabbits. I also realize that it can beintimidating when you arrive and so many of the members have formedsome very close friendships and you can feel out of the loop.It takesa little time sometimes to learn the lay of the land,but I can pretty much guarantee that you'll find a person or twoyourself that you can relate to. Out of 2500+ members, we'rebound to have some clashes of personalities and beliefs.
There's no doubt that readingsomething can easily bemisinterpretted. That's why I've added so manyEmoticons...because it's my hope that they can help relay the feelingsbehindwhat's being typed. I've misread and beenmisunderstood as well.
With the folks that have been around a while,I realize thatwe peat and repeat what wesay sometimes and it can befrustrating. Also realize that when someone has been hereafew months and theymake no attempt at reading orsearching out some ofthe topics here butjust wantall the answers,our fuses get short.
Remembering the firsttimeI had joined a rabbitforum years ago, Iwas so excited to have others share thesame passion and interest in rabbits that I had. I was alsoscared that ifI posted something, I'd sound dumb and someonewould treat me as such and I'd be publiclyhumiliated. I had seen it done prior in that forumduring my days of lurking. This certainly doesn't only happenhere, it happens on many forums whether you're talking about footballor rabbits.
We all have to remind ourselvesfrom time-to-time to cut eachother some slack.Insulting the forum as a whole,squishing someone's enthusiam is not the way to go. Some ofus may have started out where we didn't like another. Intime, we came to really appreciate the help and support that sameperson gave us.
Now, back to what we do best, have fun talking about our rabbits and hopefully learning something new today.