Lottie and Archie 2008

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[align=left]Some more miscellaneous photos from the last few days.

Its actually slightly sunny today! Yay!



[align=center]Its hardwork making this much mess...


[/align][align=left]Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny


Had some not so great news today. Lotties tear duct still won't completley flush, and she has still not made a complete recovery. Although its not life-threatening at the moment, it could get worse.

I have to clean her eyes with saline solution 1-3 times a day for life.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Aww Fran, I'm sorry they couldn't clear the duct fully. At least with the regular saline washing, it should prevent things from worsening. I know it's hard work, but at least it's something manageable. Poor Lottie, and poor you.

Do you have to take her back again?

No, i don't have to take her back. Its a relief (it costs about £20 a day) and i think after third try they aren't going to get anywhere, although they have asked me to book a checkup appointment every 2 months, which is offered at a discounted rate. They also said i need to keep a good check that an abcess doesn't occur and don't hesitate to call them if i'm worried about something.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
How did I miss so much Lottie-ness in this blog?! :shock:!

I'm so sorry to hear that they weren't able to clear her duct out completely. I'm glad to hear that it's not life-threatening though. It's a shame it's not cleared up, but at least she has the potential to live a "normal" life - even if it means having to give her eyedrops multiple times a day. How are you handling that news and everything that's gone on with Lottie? You're such a wonderful bun-mom and Lottie's lucky to have you.

All the pics of my dear Lottie are fab! Keep 'em comin'. I love me some Lottie :biggrin2:!
Its not too bad, i'm swabbing her eye twice daily with salt water (1 tablespoon salt to 1 pint water) so its not like its a big cost for me! Just hope it stays OK...

I'm going to contact a rescue as soon as she has had her VHD next Monday!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

I haven't updatedin 5 days! :shock:

[align=center]I am going to a rescue on Saturday to pick up a new bunny, Archie!


[align=left]Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I love Lottie :inlove:.

I love Archie :inlove:.

I want them :pleaseplease:. You know you want to send them to me :pleaseplease:.

:stikpokeHey, hey, did you hear me? :stikpokeHello?

Oh, you'll send them to me?! Here's my address :USAflagwaving:. I'll even wave a flag for you.

Thank you, have a nice day :dancingorig:.

This camera is too close for my liking!


Want to express how proud i am of my little gardening experience.



[align=left]Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
WOW just catching up with your blog- where the heck have I been? :pAll the pictures are great! Lottie is so pretty- and I love the closeups. The picture of two together is adorable! :)

I love your garden too - I am planting today like crazy. I plant lots of herbs, and veggies... I put them all up in the fall (pickles, tomatoes, salsas, etc.)

Also I am so excited you are getting Archie (such a cute name) I can't wait to see the pictures once he's home with you :)

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