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Gypsy, very well said. I wanted to replybut was so angered I couldn't find the words. Thank you for findingthem for me. I agree 100%. . Thank you

Gypsy and Tina,

I'm sure you two are much more experienced than bunny_lover and herbrother, who are, after all, kids. I am their mother, btw. We did havea talk with the boy, whose intention was not to mate them but simply tohave them meet.

We all appreciate the valuable advice given on this forum and while Iagree that lady shadow should have had a bit more time to settle inhere, what's done is done and there is no need for you to blast thekids like this. Guidance and education would seem more appropriate.

I spoke with Deb today as well, and she isn't nearly as upset as you two since she agreed to having lady s used for breeding.

On a happy note, lady shadow seems most intrigued by the rest of the hoppers but is keeping a safe distance from the chickens:)

I have blasted thechildren with good reason, being the Motheryou should have been insistanton them being kept seperate ,AS YOU know andImsure both children know what willhappen when you let amale and female meet without benifit of acage,meeting rabbits is donethru a cage and Bunnylover has been inthis forum enough andhas read many posts onsocializing a new Rabbit as hasyour son . Im not ostrsizingBunnyLover as she has said itwasnt her fault,shedidnt do it , Butwhat i am sayingis it shouldnt have beendone as yet.

while guidence andeducation is definatelyneeded and has been providedthru this forum on many occasions ,it seems to me a bitof supervision is in order also .

I have also been in contactwith Debbie , and itsobvious to me you andher this wasnt supposed to havehappened yet.

Now im not going to argue withyou about this ivalue Debbies friendship and i amnot going to dragThisboard thru a nasty tastingdrama Have a good day .
hold up i need to say something else here"

i have to repeat the partof the supervision thing ,as many will remember my 7 yrold did the samething to me here not too longago . resulting in 12 babiesbeing born to one mother, Now i am Nohypocrite so thisis why i am pitchinga fit here , My 7 yrold wsnt supervised and itook total blame for that , shewas out playing , she was severelyrestricted in her movements school only,no television , no game boy ,no game cube , nothing, i still have 10 survivingbabies who need homes , andnow she isnt allowed anywherenear the rabbits unlessshe is accompnied by an adult ,

This litter of 12 babies is oneof my biggest reasonsfor writing thisreply and the factthat my Female was nowhere near under any type ofstress.
Through this post maybe the children havelearned a valuable lesson. Just for the record this forum isnot in place to Supervise and Guide any one let alone children. That isthe parents' job. So rather than get nippy with us, I think you need tolook to yourself. Shadow has no voice to protest any of this so forgiveme for tring to speak for her and look out for her.

I agree with Gypsy - there is no reason to drag this out any further.

Matt joined this board yesterday to start learning about responsiblebreeding and made a mistake and he knows it. Bunny_lover, for thatmatter had absolutely nothing to do with it and neither of them deservethe harsh treatment you're dishing out.

Just as you are voicing your opinion- so am I.

Have a wonderful day as well.



I don't think I'm being nippy with you, but just as you are speakingfor lady shadow I need to speak out for my children, in particularbunny_lover who does look to this forum for answers and solutions andwho I reckon will be very upset when she gets home from school andreads the tirade sent her way.

And, by no means am I asking for supervision. I am however asking forguidance and education as many of you are experienced and passionateabout rabbit care (where I am not). If I'm not mistaken, forumsareabout sharing information and to help and guide each other.

you are so lucky to have such cute bunnies!:D

And I'm sure they're little angel's!;)

Every page of this forum has questionsabout breeding. I mean I don't know how to make it any plainer that.There are horror stories and stories that break the heart. There's theguidance.

Your son has 8 rabbits and should have known better. But thatisn't the issue. Shadow's well being is. With that said I wish you thebest of luck. I will keep Shadow in my thoughts and prayers.

Perhaps I need to explain a bit more:)

We now have 5 rabbits (LadyS included).bunny_loverhas 2 boys, Summer (who you could easily pass off as a dog), and littleSavi. Matt has a rex doe, Velvet and a newzealand dwarf, Shadow. Andyes, we have 6 little ones at the moment who are just about 2 weeks oldnow and are starting to look like 'real' rabbits. Some ofthemare already spoken for, and all of them will go to lovinghomes when it is time to leave Mum. We live in a rural (farm, even)environment and breeding Velvet (and eventually Lady Shadow) is Matt'slittle enterprise. Mel raises chickens and sells eggs (and somehowtalked me into letting her keep 2 rabbits as well) - that is her littlebusiness.

The kids both care deeply for their animals and show great commitmentto all of them, and while our setup does not resemble the traditionalhouse/pet rabbit environment, all of them receive a lot of love andcare.

Thank you for thoughts and well wishes; I myself hope that Lady Shadow is not yet pregnant.

When guidance or advice is asked for in this forum, it is given bymany.I haven't seen either you or your children ask for helpin the area of breeding at any point. Your daughter said thatyour son breeds. For someone that breeds, I would think he'dknow better than to introduce a male and female knowing that pregnancywould be a risk. Instead, the reply about being pregnant was,"lol...yeah, today. :D My brother got her mated with ourdwarf.."

Tina has been on this forum for quite some time and she is one of thekindest, and has one of the biggest hearts for animalsof alltypes and people. She has stayed up at night answeringquestions for people that were in dire straits dealingwithmany manyhealth issuesthat rabbitshave.Gypsy is the same way and has learned the hard way onhow things can go wrong. We value their presence heretremendously.

This is the second issue you've had about this forum - first being in aPrivate Message to me - Whichwas an issue thatwasnone of your business or your concern. All thisand you signedupyesterday.Sounds a bitlike you're trying to stir the pot.

The ladies may have been passionate about their feelings, but they areextremely concerned about Shadow and her babies and with the amount ofhorror stories we hear about crossbreeding, it does upset many inhere. One would hope that someone would teach them to educatethe children about rabbits and breeding before the deed is done,not after.

* * * * * * * *

Tina and Gypsy,

One can only hope that people that have read this post will heed your advice take it into consideration in their own situations.

Thank you for your concern


I don't think you realize my intent here.I started off by stating I was concerned about the stress she was underand being bred.

You yourself stated concern about putting her outside. You said and I quote

'lady shadow' who has been an 'inside' bunny (and sooooospoiled). Our rabbits are living out in the chicken coop (quite cool,in Ontario) - I've kept her in the garage for the first night and puther out with the other critters today - is she going to be OK? (Wintercoat wise and all?)

Where as your daugter answered:

She seems to be getting along good with the other buns, andwith all that extra fat, she should have no problem in the chillynights. It's hovering above zero all the time now, so it's not thatcold. Night are usually around 5 degree's C.

She has been taken from her home an indoor home I might add. Toput her in the garage then outside is incredibly stressful.

There was a post about her not being to sure about hte chickens. That too is another stress factor.

Your daughter makes the comment that Shadow is Chubby and I quote

Shadow is a pretty pudgy bunny

Now right here in this post your daughter laughs when asked if Shadow has been bred and I quote

lol...yeah, today. :D My brother got her mated with our dwarf.

I found this upsetting that she thought it was funny. Still noconcern about Shadow being stressed or anything. just laughs.

Your son admits that Shadow is both of theirs so they both share responsibility.

If I saw some compassion or concern for this rabbit I wouldn'thave had much to say. I really wish ya'll would please read than breed.My son is 10 and knows not to breed an animal just for the fun of it orif the animal is stressed.

A stressed doe will also react differently than a doethat is comfortable in her enviroment. She's more likely to lose thekits ie reabsorb them, have delivery issues, nesting issues andcannabalizing the young. Not to mention her health being injeapordy.

Carolyn wrote:
Thisis the second issue you've had about this forum - first being in aPrivate Message to me - Whichwas an issue thatwasnone of your business or your concern. All thisand you signedupyesterday.Sounds a bitlike you're trying to stir the pot.
My, Carolyn!

As an administrator, should you really bring issues discussed inprivate messages into open forum? And the message I sent to you wasVERY much my business since it dealt with the way you talked to mydaughter after deleting her post asking how come so many people aregetting banned?

And after all that, yes I signed up so I could keep an eye on how mykids are treated as well as to make sure they do not respondinappropriately or disrespectfully.

No, I do not need or want to stir any pots. But I have been online formany years and have myself provided help in many forums (not animalrelated) and cannot recall ever having spoken to someone as harsh aswhat I have seen here.

All that said - I AGREE with you ladies - letting the two at each otherwas a bonehead thing to do. All we can do now is hope that her and thelittle ones are going to be OK (IF she is pregnant).

Sunshine wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
This is thesecond issue you've had about this forum - first being in a PrivateMessage to me - Whichwas an issue that wasnone ofyour business or your concern. All this and you signedupyesterday.Sounds a bitlike you're trying to stir the pot.
My, Carolyn!

As an administrator, should you really bring issues discussed inprivate messages into open forum? And the message I sent to you wasVERY much my business since it dealt with the way you talked to mydaughter after deleting her post asking how come so many people aregetting banned?


Both ladies have explained themselves and have been trying to work it out with you.

You are most certainly trolling this board as the issue you and yourdaughter posted about banning members was posted publicly and it wasanswered at the top of this boardby me, yet you continued toharrass me in private message. Let's not pretend to besomething you're not. Please read the above "Note to members"again in case it was unclear.

I do not wish to engage in such problems with you. I have iton good reference that you enjoy arguing and will not give up,therefore, I hope you do find another forum that better suits yourneeds.

Have a nice day.


