gentle giants
Well-Known Member
I guess Nibbler must have goneexploring, though, and left the barn. I went and looked all throughtthe barn, called him and the like, but no response.
Then, yesterday afternoon, one of my dogs found his remains. I criedall afternoon. Sometimes I hate living out in the woods, there isalways that risk that a predator will come in. As it was, whatever gotNibbler must have gotten really close to the house, because I can't seehim going far. The thing that really gets me is that he was sotrusting.. He was totally relaxed around our dogs, and if a coyote orsomething came after him he wouldn't even have known to run... Thingslike this sometimes make me question why I really want to keep animals,it always winds up so painfully.
Nibbler is the one on the left, the white one is his brother Shadow.