Lost my Nibbler yesterday.

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gentle giants

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
:( One of my young Flemish managed to escapefrom his cage during Tuesday night. I've had bunnies escape before, butalways before they would just hang around in the barn and wait for meto come feed them, you know?
I guess Nibbler must have goneexploring, though, and left the barn. I went and looked all throughtthe barn, called him and the like, but no response.
Then, yesterday afternoon, one of my dogs found his remains. I criedall afternoon. Sometimes I hate living out in the woods, there isalways that risk that a predator will come in. As it was, whatever gotNibbler must have gotten really close to the house, because I can't seehim going far. The thing that really gets me is that he was sotrusting.. He was totally relaxed around our dogs, and if a coyote orsomething came after him he wouldn't even have known to run... Thingslike this sometimes make me question why I really want to keep animals,it always winds up so painfully.

Nibbler is the one on the left, the white one is his brother Shadow.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I will say a prayer for you and Nibbler.

May he Rest in Peace.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Is itpossible to keep the barn closed, or put up an extra barrier or gatearound the cages, so if they get out in the future, they will still besafe?

Aw I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I knowit's hard. I won't go into the long story of how I lost my Casey bunny,but I started to question my ability to care for bunnies as well. ThenI thought, I've had Daphne for 3 yrs years. She's had her issues, butshe's still here and what would she do with some stranger? Take time todeal with your loss but know your buns think more of you than you know.They need to be with you. Accidents will always happen. We can't alwaysbe there all the time and know what we think we should have known. I'velost 3 bunnies and 2 cats in the past 4 yrs. I still have 7 cats and 2buns and I know I do the best I can for them.
juneaf wrote:
Is it possible to keep the barn closed, or put up an extrabarrier or gate around the cages, so if they get out in the future,they will still be safe?

In this barn, I really can't. I'm sharing it with all my Dad's junk,unfortunatly. I am saving up to get them their own barn/shed, though,hopefully I can do that by the end of this year.

Thank you all for your sympathy.

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