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Very sorry for the triple post, I should also mention that during the first few days when she was on Baytril she seemed to improve and her nystagmus and circling episodes stopped. So perhaps the Baytril is somewhat effective to the bacteria if infection is the cause? I thought, and hoped that perhaps the slight head tilt that she now has may have presented itself sometime during the treatment and I didn't notice it until recently and that she may be okay and will continue to be fine with the tilt, but it does seem more pronounced than before when I didn't notice a tilt at all. It's a very slight tilt that she has. But I can see it when she moves her head and hops around.
I should also mention that she may have arthritis and has always had a curve in her upper spine that makes her appear hunchbacked at times depending on the position she is sitting in. When she is sitting up her front feet touch her back feet. I don't think there is a connection between spinal issues and head tilt but perhaps it could be neurological damage due to her spine? Her shoulder blades also touch when she is bending down eating her food and sometimes it feels like her shoulder blades are rubbing on her spine. I've had the vet examine her before and they didn't notice exactly what I was referring to because it depends on the position that she is in. I've looked up spinal deformations in rabbits and believe that she may have a deformation, scoliosis if I can remember correctly, but I've read that the only treatment for that would be pain medication, and she has always got around and seemed to be okay throughout the years I've had her
I should also mention that she may have arthritis and has always had a curve in her upper spine that makes her appear hunchbacked at times depending on the position she is sitting in. When she is sitting up her front feet touch her back feet. I don't think there is a connection between spinal issues and head tilt but perhaps it could be neurological damage due to her spine? Her shoulder blades also touch when she is bending down eating her food and sometimes it feels like her shoulder blades are rubbing on her spine. I've had the vet examine her before and they didn't notice exactly what I was referring to because it depends on the position that she is in. I've looked up spinal deformations in rabbits and believe that she may have a deformation, scoliosis if I can remember correctly, but I've read that the only treatment for that would be pain medication, and she has always got around and seemed to be okay throughout the years I've had her
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