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I was wondering which one was Loopy from yourpictures to BunnyMommy!! Loopy's coloring and face isabsolute adorable! Great Picture!


Glad Loopy is well. Do you have to trimher teeth every 6-8 weeks all the time now? I seethat Loppy is the biggest bunny being the Lop.Is Poppy bigger than Loopy now? Poppy looks so cutelaying over like that.

I found some information about rabbit teeth:

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size=-1]DENTAL CARE[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman, Times, serif"]One of the major problemsof feeding insufficient grass or hay is that the rabbits teeth, whichgrow throughout life are not warn down so the incisor (front) teethwill start to grow out of the mouth preventing normal feeding andgrooming . If the molars or cheek teeth do not meet properly they wearunevenly, causing sharp spikes to form these can cause painful ulcersat the edges of the tongue or in the cheeks making the animal salivateexcessively and eventually stopping the animal from feeding orgrooming. While overgrown front teeth can usually be cut with theanimal firmly held inspection and treatment of the back teeth requiresanaesthesia. This is definitely one area where prevention is the besttreatment.[/font]


Rainbows! :)

Hi Pet_Bunny !!!!

Every 6-8 wks now. Poppy is still the smallest but she growing all the time.

Thats for the info. I have no idea why her teeth overgrew. My buns haveeverything that the could possible want, loads of hay, chew toys, gooddiet. I am competely daffled :?

Her front teeth were ok, it was her back teeth that was the problem.

She is now fully alert again, and back with the other 2.

It was so lovely when I picked her up. The vet put her on the table, Iwent over and as soon as she saw me - even though she had not long comeround from the anistetic- she came straight over to her mum wanting tobe picked up. She gave me the biggest bunny cuddle that I have everseen.

It was like - mummy, you here, you didnt leave me all alone, and thenshe went straight back off to sleep in my arms. It was the sweetestthing.

I just had to share that experience with you all. I don't know if anyof you have had a similar experience when you've had to pick your bunsup from the vets after leaving them for a few hours. If you have, thenyou know what I was feeling. :)
Oh Zee, I am just now seeing this. I amso relieved all went well. She is so beautiful, but then you know that.I can't say enough for all you do. You have some of the luckiestbunnies in the world. What a Bunny Angel you are.

Give little Loopy a kiss on the head from me. Poor little girl.I don't want Poppy and Loppy to feel left out because they are gorgeousto so give them some love from me. Hugs for you Zee.

dajeti2 wrote:
Oh Zee, I am just now seeing this. I am so relieved allwent well. She is so beautiful, but then you know that. I can't sayenough for all you do. You have some of the luckiest bunnies in theworld. What a Bunny Angel you are.

Give little Loopy a kiss on the head from me. Poor little girl.I don't want Poppy and Loppy to feel left out because they are gorgeousto so give them some love from me. Hugs for you Zee.


Thank you so much Tina for your kind words.

I will definately make sure that Lop and Poppy dont get left out. I will give them all a hug and kiss for you.

Thanks Again !!!

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