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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Oktoberfest Town - Munich, , Germany
Hi All!

Well, I have just come back from a trip to the vets with Loopy.

I was told that both sides of her back teeth are quite bad and need filing. She has also lost the hair under her chin.

She is now on antibiotics, and I must feed her through a suringe for the next few days.

Luckily Loopy loves her mum, and she trusts me 100 pro cent. She is such a good girl. !!!

This is the 2nd time since I've had her that she has had a trip to the vets. Surprisingly the other 2 are completly healthy.

This is Loopy when she was a baby.

It was the emergency clinic I went as the vets here all close early on a Sat.

I have to take her back to my vets or to the clinic next week.

@ Ellie

Thanks !!!! You have a gorgeous bun too !!! :)
Wow... emergency clinics can be expensive.Did you get a chance to see Loopys backteeth? Glad Loppy and Poppy are fine.I didn't know you had other bunnies before (Woody Scampi,Blackie and Munchie). Sorry about them.....theylook like babies and so cute. Woody would of been a hithere. Woody Pet. lol:D

Rainbows! :)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Wow... emergency clinics can be expensive. Did you get a chanceto see Loopys back teeth? Glad Loppy and Poppy are fine. I didn't knowyou had other bunnies before (Woody Scampi, Blackie and Munchie). Sorryabout them.....they look like babies and so cute. Woody would of been ahit here. Woody Pet. lol :D

Rainbows! :)

It was expensive about 57 euros. Didnt get a chance to see the back teeth, but hoping to see them next week.

Blackie I orginally got with Loopy but she died after 5 days, the pet shop replace her with Loppy.

Woody I got from someone that didnt want him, Scampi was from a RabbitRescue, Munichie I rescued from a group of Cats in the back garden.There was one other Mr Ed, unfortunately I have no pics, I only had himfor about 4 days, he died on Xmas Day 2000, just as the taxi came totake us to the vets.

All characters in their own right.
I just want to say you are awesome. Totake in all those bunnies is realy heart warming to me. You have lovedand lost yet were right there when another bunny needed you.

Loopy is a little doll baby. I'm sorry she's not been well. I'msure she will be better in no time. Give all the bunns a kiss fromme.

dajeti2 wrote:
I just want to say you are awesome. To take in all thosebunnies is realy heart warming to me. You have loved and lost yet wereright there when another bunny needed you.

Loopy is a little doll baby. I'm sorry she's not been well. I'msure she will be better in no time. Give all the bunns a kiss fromme.


Thanks Tina !!!

I would love to have more, but in a rented studio flat it is a bit difficult.

Loopy is my baby doll !!!
Hi All

Just a quick update on Loopy.

After a bad night with her coughing, today she is chirpy and I have seen her eating a little.

She will not take any of the Critical Care I have for her or some mushypellets. But she is taking her medicine like a good bunny.

Finally, I can call the vets tomorrow to book her to have her back teeth done.

More news as and when.

Poppy and Loppy are also well and causing trouble.

Hug to all your Bunnies

thank you so much for updating us. I hope littleLoopy gets to feeling better the poor dear. Poppy and Loppy, I love thenames, sound like handfuls. They are so lucky they have you. I willkeep you and Loopy in my prayers.

Tina & Apollo
Hi All !!! :D

Just to let you all know, Loo has her big day at the vets tomorrow.Hopefully she doesn't have to be knocked out to have her teeth done.

Will give you more news tomorrow when i come home.

P.S. Loo, Lop and Pop send BIG cuddles and kisses to all of you and your buns xxx
Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, Zee. She's a beautiful baby.

Hi All !

Well i am back from the vets with Loo.

She is in the front room with where it is quiet away from the other 2,so that she can recover. She is very tired and needs some rest.

The vet said that it was very complicated as her back teeth were in a very bad way.

It went very well and I will need to take her back in about 6-8 weeks time to have them trimmed.

THANK YOU all for the thoughts today, and she should be hoping about very soon.

Thanks Again

Loo and My Mummy (Zara)

That's great things went well for you , you sound like a wonderful person with a wonderful heart.

Keep us posted on how things go ;)
ariel wrote:

That's great things went well for you , you sound like a wonderful person with a wonderful heart.

Keep us posted on how things go ;)

Thanks Ariel

They are my babies as I cannot have any of my own.

I will def keep everyone posted
Thank God,Zee!

Glad to hear the little one's operation went well. Please do keep us posted on how she does in her recovery.
