Looking for Dutch Breeders

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
, New York, USA
I'm sorry I don't know all of you yet but was wondering who breed's Dutchies. I'm not thinking about a bunny right now with the loss of my sweet Flash. I love the breed and having a Dutch and a Dutch mix. I know I'll check the shelter's first when the time comes but I would be looking for a baby male, any color other then the traditional B/W.

Thanks for the info.
I'm sorry you lost your Flash... Starlight Rabbitry (Sharon) has really lovely Dutch... try PMing her. She is from Connecticut. Saw her at the Spencer show on Sunday... she always has the nicest rabbits!
Sharon does, uhm, GOsh i can't remember her name, but she just had a litter Twailah is the doe's name. I've got Dutch (Blue, black, Steel and Tort) with babies in the nest box. A couple of friends of mine have dutch, Redthunderrabbits and a mutual friend in town(but not on the board) has them. all three of us are in Washington COunty NY- Near Saratoga and Lake George.
Thanks the both of you for future info. That's great you guys aren't that far away from me. Blaze-Amita I'll have to look up some of your pics of your bunnies, Steel and Tort sound great. I think Flash was a blue but not with traditional markings. This makes me so happy to know some people here that breed them.
he does look blue tort, redthunderrabbits got a blue tort buck in one litter, he's an only child, she kept him because he was unique, just like Flash.

Enjoy the rainbow bridge Flash Keep waiting for your mommy!!
BlueGiants wrote:
I'm sorry you lost your Flash... Starlight Rabbitry (Sharon) has really lovely Dutch... try PMing her. She is from Connecticut. Saw her at the Spencer show on Sunday... she always has the nicest rabbits!

Thanks dear! You are awesome.

Flash - There are some breeders around NY. What part of NY are you from? More towards PA or Upstate or towards CT?

There are two shows that I am attending this weekend. One is in Frankfort, NY on Saturday and the other is in North Haven, CT on Sunday.

There should be Dutch there at both shows.

If I get a chance after work Sunday I may take a trip up to North Haven and check out your bunnies Sharon. I'm just lookingright now I'm stillgrieving and I don't have the room for another pen. Flash was free run and never chewed anything so that's another reason I have to wait or until I move.

Is the show on Bishop Street?

Cool :)The show is actually on Rt. 5 in North Haven. It is exit 12 off of I-91. Take a right off the exit. (This workscoming North or South). Can't miss the Fairgrounds as they are right off the exit.

I can PM you with my cell phone number if you'd like :)

I got directions and I'm hoping not to get anymore dogs to walk so I can go. Does it start at 11? I think it should take me over an hour to get there. Are you showing your Dutch bunnies?

I always thought Sophie was a Dutch mix but a breeder found out he's a Broken Lynx,Standard Rex mix. I'm so happy to finally find out his breed.
Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
There are two shows that I am attending this weekend. One is in Frankfort, NY on Saturday and the other is in North Haven, CT on Sunday.

There should be Dutch there at both shows.

What time Sunday? :biggrin2:
The show should start around 9am on Sunday and last till about 3pm. We start cleaning up after that.

Hope you both could come.

I will only have one Dutch being shown. I am trying to save money so I only show my best ones. My other Dutch that I have been showing is going to PA to get bred.

I don't know if I can make it tomorrow I had car trouble today. My battery went dead and had a neighbor jumped it for me, I had music on while I was washing the car and my CD is stuck and may have drained the battery. Today my mechanic just left to check my battery and tomorrow of course is Sunday. I may have to take it to the dealer to get the CD out and check everything. The car is close to 4yrs old and things do go. I'm really hoping I can swing it.
Flash wrote:
I don't know if I can make it tomorrow I had car trouble today. My battery went dead and had a neighbor jumped it for me, I had music on while I was washing the car and my CD is stuck and may have drained the battery. Today my mechanic just left to check my battery and tomorrow of course is Sunday. I may have to take it to the dealer to get the CD out and check everything. The car is close to 4yrs old and things do go. I'm really hoping I can swing it.
I ended sleep ALOT today.
Sharon how did you make out at the show? I ended up needing a new battery and a CD player too.
Glad you got your vehicle fixed. I did well, there were only 8 Dutch in open and I won Best of Breed with the only one that I brought.

Funny thing is that I sent my Steel Doe to PA with friends and she won Best of Breed in one of the shows there. It was an awesome weekend. Won Best of Breed on Saturday in NY too.


There is a show in Sturbridge, MA this Sunday if you are close.


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