Well-Known Member
Hi All!
Friday my mother brought me her 2 year old black lop for me tokeep. The two years she had her the bunny was mostly on fedand watered, not pet too much and definitely not cuddled or hugged, soshe hasn't let me hold her yet. She has stopped running whenI want to pet her, which I think is a good sign.
I also have seven indoor kitties, and would like for this bunny to beinside with us. Right now she's outside in her hutch, she hassome litter box issues to work out first. She's used to goingwherever she wants, and after two days has already started using justone corner of her cage, which is also promising. She doesn'tchew (not even on the chew sticks I give her), so I think she'd begreat inside.
How did the rest of you introduce everyone? I don't want tostress out the bunny any more than she has been--she went from beingmostly ignored to traveling to a new home and getting all kinds of petsfrom strangers--but I have to admit I'm anxious to have her inside withus.
On a side note, I've been visiting with her before work each morningand this morning after her morning pet I closed the door, which broughther out of the trance she was in, and she sat up and stamped her backfeet! I've never had a bunny do this before--was shedemanding more pets?!
Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!
Friday my mother brought me her 2 year old black lop for me tokeep. The two years she had her the bunny was mostly on fedand watered, not pet too much and definitely not cuddled or hugged, soshe hasn't let me hold her yet. She has stopped running whenI want to pet her, which I think is a good sign.
I also have seven indoor kitties, and would like for this bunny to beinside with us. Right now she's outside in her hutch, she hassome litter box issues to work out first. She's used to goingwherever she wants, and after two days has already started using justone corner of her cage, which is also promising. She doesn'tchew (not even on the chew sticks I give her), so I think she'd begreat inside.
How did the rest of you introduce everyone? I don't want tostress out the bunny any more than she has been--she went from beingmostly ignored to traveling to a new home and getting all kinds of petsfrom strangers--but I have to admit I'm anxious to have her inside withus.
On a side note, I've been visiting with her before work each morningand this morning after her morning pet I closed the door, which broughther out of the trance she was in, and she sat up and stamped her backfeet! I've never had a bunny do this before--was shedemanding more pets?!
Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!