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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
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Union, Missouri, USA
Hi All!

Friday my mother brought me her 2 year old black lop for me tokeep. The two years she had her the bunny was mostly on fedand watered, not pet too much and definitely not cuddled or hugged, soshe hasn't let me hold her yet. She has stopped running whenI want to pet her, which I think is a good sign.

I also have seven indoor kitties, and would like for this bunny to beinside with us. Right now she's outside in her hutch, she hassome litter box issues to work out first. She's used to goingwherever she wants, and after two days has already started using justone corner of her cage, which is also promising. She doesn'tchew (not even on the chew sticks I give her), so I think she'd begreat inside.

How did the rest of you introduce everyone? I don't want tostress out the bunny any more than she has been--she went from beingmostly ignored to traveling to a new home and getting all kinds of petsfrom strangers--but I have to admit I'm anxious to have her inside withus.

On a side note, I've been visiting with her before work each morningand this morning after her morning pet I closed the door, which broughther out of the trance she was in, and she sat up and stamped her backfeet! I've never had a bunny do this before--was shedemanding more pets?!

Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

Is there a room that you can keep her in and close it off to thecats? That would be great to start with. You canlet the cats in when you are there to watch them and let them get toknow each other that way. Then you can start introducing themfor short periods of time. Sometimes rabbits and cats becomegreat friends, sometimes the cat bullies or attacks the rabbit, andsometimes the rabbit bullies the cat! So it's hard to knowwhat will happen in the long run.

One of our other members, Maherwoman, put Soft Paws claw covers on hercats' nails to prevent the bunny from getting hurt if they swipe ather. This sounds like a really good idea to me, especiallysince cats do bat at each other in play.

And it sounds like she was upset that you stopped petting her andclosed the door. It sounds like she likes this new thingcalled attention, and she wants more!:D

There's lots of info on care and health in Bunny 101 and the RabbitHealth References forums. Not all the threads are done yet,but there's a lot to look through.
Thanks for the ideas, I've been reading throughthe 101 section this afternoon and have learned quite a bit.I've searched the net the last couple of days for info and am sothankful to see it all here in one place!

I think what I'm most afraid of is doing this too soon. Iknow bunnies can get stressed out easily, so I don't want to dosomething to stress her out, but I don't know how much time she'llneed. I was hoping someone who had done something similar tothis could tell me how long they waited, or if there are any behaviorsI could be looking for that would let me know she'd be okay.

I'm LOVING all of the bunny pics! I'll have to post some of Allie soon.....
Welcome to the forum!!

Yes, Naturestee is right, I have two young kitties (both just over theage of two), and put Soft Paws on them so when they either swipe at ourbuns in curiousity, or because they want to play, the buns won't getcut/hurt. It's worked GREAT! It's enabled everyone(humans, buns, and cats) to be able to relax when the buns are out, andthey now have the opportunity to get used to each other in their owntime, without Mama getting freaked out when they're within a foot rangeof each other. Lol...

As far as them being separated...Naturestee's right on that, too, thatit might be good for a week or so to being with to have your new bunnyin a room alone. After they see each other for about an hourat a time for about a week, and you see that none of your babes arescared or worried about one another, you should be able to let themlive around each other. Is your new bun in a cage at night,and then let out during the day?

When we got Maisie at eight weeks, we had her in our room for a coupledays before starting to introduce her to the cats. Her cagestayed in our room, and we would open the door and let them startgetting used to each other. We didn't think of getting thekitties those Soft Paws until we'd had Maisie for a coupleweeks. But once we did, things really started moving alongwith them getting used to each other! :)

Now that we have Flower (a bun we rescued a few weeks ago), he's prettymuch been around the kitties since Day One. We had him livingin a large cat carrier for about a week and a half at first, and hadthat sitting securely on a counter because he was quite malnourishedand we wanted to make sure he wasn't sick or anything (as far astransmitting it to our Maisie or the kitties). But it wasgood because he got used to their scents. By the time he hadhis cage, which sits on the floor a little more than a foot away fromMaisie's, he was ready and comfortable with the transition.Also, the cats had the Soft Paws by then, and it was fine.

One good idea I would suggest as well...get some wire mesh to putaround the cage (with pieces cut so you can open the cage door(s)), sothe kitties in their curiousity don't continually put their paws in thecage (at night or otherwise), and wind up getting a bite for enteringthe bun's territory. :) Check out this thread tosee what I mean:http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=13483&forum_id=1

As far as your new baby being resistive to being held...I hear thatmost buns are. It's understandable for her to be kindastandoffish, coming from a home where she wasn't pet or given muchattention (no offense to your mom). It might taketime. But it sounds like you're already getting quite farwith it, since I think you're right about her stamping being her askingfor more love! Maisie's done that before. :)

It sounds like your baby is settling in nicely, and things areprogressing great! :) If you have any otherquestions, feel free to ask!! :)
adamjai wrote:
Ithink what I'm most afraid of is doing this too soon. I knowbunnies can get stressed out easily, so I don't want to do something tostress her out, but I don't know how much time she'll need. Iwas hoping someone who had done something similar to this could tell mehow long they waited, or if there are any behaviors I could be lookingfor that would let me know she'd be okay.

I'm LOVING all of the bunny pics! I'll have to post some of Allie soon.....

You should probably wait to introduce the cats, but you can move herinside as soon as you want to. She has to get used to thehouse sometime. Plus she'll get used to you faster if shesees you more regularly as you walk around the house.

And yes! Pictures please!:D
I agree...wait until your new bun is comfortablein her new home. I would say wait about a week until youstart introducing them, and do so with the kitties having those SoftPaws (there's also something just like them called SoftClaws). The website is the same as each name, if you want tocheck it out. :)

I bet your new baby is already so happy with all the attention!! :bunnydance:
Thanks for all of the advice. I have along weekend this weekend, so I think I'll try putting her in one ofour spare rooms. That way she can get used to something otherthen her cage and the kitties can spend the weekend sitting by thedoor. :) Wish me luck!
GOOD LUCK!! Just be sure to relaxabout things. Both cats and buns react to how their humansfeel. If you're relaxed, it goes a LONG WAY to keeping themrelaxed. :)

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