Looking for a good vet in Pittsburgh or near Pgh

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
Anyone who lives in Pa and is familiar with Pgharea. I am looking for a good trust worthy vet that affiliates withbuns. I would like to get MeatHead neutered sometime soon. Heisalways trying to humpeither legs, my dog, and hegoes after anything white on your feet.


Angel and MeatHead
the closest one i know is not in pittsburgh.Drloutsion Canon hill vet clinic in canonsburg.there are other vets inthe practice but i dont know if any of the others treat rabbits.bluebird
Hi there Angel.. I live about 15 miles north of the city...

The vet that I chose is Dr. Edward Bennett from All Pet AnimalHospital.. He also has a partner in his practice and her name is Dr.Kelly Person.. Both vets are EXTREMELY nice and gently with all kindsof animals.. They both also know rabbits very, very well and can treatanything.. (with my mini-zoo here they have too.. *lol*)

Anyways, the office is located in Gibsonia, PA about 20 mins from myhouse so probably about 40 mins from the city.. I don't mind the traveltime cause Dr. Bennett is awesome! :)

Hope that helps and you find a very friendly/knowledgable vet soon!

Mandy, Rexie, Sherbie, & Snuggles too....
Thank you guys. I know that Jen gave me a vet or 2 that she goes to as well and I lost it. lol

My aunt lives in Gibsonia but yeah it is a bout 40 min drive.

Flop I will check that site out in a few mins.

Thank you for the quick reply.
Angel: I missed this, I've been away.I'd really recommend Dr. Mike Hutchinson. He has the bestprices and spent 15 years in New York in an exclusively exoticspractice. He's absolutely the best vet I've beento. He does a lot of rabbit surgery and will operate onrabbits other vets won't touch. His entire staff is fanaticalabout the care and well being of the animals in their care.He is located in Cranberry, which I know is a drive for you, but trustme, he is well worth it. I adore him and I've sent manypeople to him and they all adore him as well.

Oh I should talk to DJ's dad and see if we coulddo that. We have to go out that way in a few weeks to meet with a girlwho is taking my 2 male piggers.

Thanks. Can you pm me his #.