Loki and Lily's Tail

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I love that position too! It's his, "PET ME! PET ME! PET ME! PET ME!" position. :D

Honestly, how could I resist?
Loki has been alternating between absolute dollcutie face cuddlebunny and demon from the pits of hell. lol Ain't itgrand to own a bunny?

He ate an M&M a few days ago and scared me to death, but he wasok. No ill effects. He's running around in the living room doing Bunny500s. Gotta go cuddle with the bunnay now.

Loki and T.
Loki was a little booger the other day!

Stacey, my roommate and co-owner of Loki, came in asking for Loki. Itold her I'd seen him go in the restroom. Lo and behold there he wasflopped out next to the toilet. She got down on her knees and startedcrawling towards him saying, "Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!" Nothing unusual.Well when she got close to the door of the bathroom, about 6 ft. fromwhere Loki was, she turned around to look at me and say something. LokiATTACKED her! All I heard was some scrambling and then I see a bunnytorpedo hit Stacey in the stomach, bounce off her and go hide under thetable behind some crates. Stacey had the wind knocked out of her andwas in a little bit of shock over what happened. I went to check on himand he looked so scared! :faint:I talked to him and waitedfor him to come to me. He came out and I pet him until he stoppedbreathing so fast. About ten minutes later, he was actingcompletely normal and crawling all over Stacey. I guess he was tryingto say no harm no foul. My poor baby. I don't know why he reacted likethat. All I can think of is Stacey must have looked menacing to him.:dunno

t. and Loki

Some pictures to make it all better :sunshine:



I love when Loki comes and flops next to me whenI'm working on my computer or watching tv. He picks me over anyone elsein the apartment. He makes me happy.


t and Loki


Yay! *drum roll*


His litterbox is next to the toilet in the bathroom. He picked thatcorner to pee in so I just put it there and now he uses it. :) Hedoesn't go pee anywhere else and he's even pooping in their too.There's the occasional pellet here and there but for the most part hepoos in the litterbox.

I'm ecstatic! Now my roommates can't complain about the bunny poo. :)



Blah! I have a dilemma.

I think Loki is doing really well on his own. I don't think he realizesmy roommates and I aren't rabbits. (except when he gets underfoot!haha) He gets a lot of attention from us and gets cuddled whenever hewants (and sometimes when he doesn't). Unfortunately, this blissfulliving situation ends in May. :(My friends and I graduatefrom college and split. My best friend (Loki's co-owner) is in the Armyso Loki is pretty much my bun. My other good friend got a job workingfor BNSF Railway in Dallas. I'm so excited for her! My other twofriends are moving back home. I still don't really know what's going tohappen to me. I haven't decided on grad school or taking a yearoff. My boyfriend is in Iraq right now and only God knowswhen he will be coming back for any permanent stay. Regardless, I don'twant Loki to get lonely when its just him and me. I was thinking aboutgetting him a girlfriend to keep him company. Now here comes myconcern...I don't want Loki to stop loving me! :sad:I don'twant him to get so absorbed with another rabbit and they both ignoreme!

Has anyone out there experienced this? Please help. :cry4:

t and Loki
I know how you feel. I waited a long time beforebringing a friend home for Basil (which was supposed to be agirlfriend). Basil and I have always had a very close bond and I wasafraid bringing another bunny in would change things.

I think my situation might be unique because he's bondedtoanother male and not a female, but he's still as close tome as ever. Ive heard that male/female pairs sometimes bond closer thansame sex pairs. Its so hard to tell whether he will pay all hisattention to her, or be the same.

If you really have a lot of time to devote to him, you could keep himas a solitary bunny. Im my experience though, bunnies are so muchhappier in pairs. I cant tell you how much happier Basil is to have abuddy.

So I guess I really dont have any good advice :DBut if youhave the room and the time, I think bringing another bunny home for himwould be great.

Keep us posted!
Thanks kimmeh! I think he's the most beautiful rabbit in the world, but of course, I'm biased. :D

Thanks for the advice Haley. It will be at least another six monthsbefore I make this decision. I guess I'll sleep on it till then.

t and loki
Loki gets VERY jealous when there are other animals around. He wouldn't get off my lap when my friends new puppy came to visit.


So apparently Loki is no ordinary bunny. He's a Guard Bunny!

Loki and I sleep in the living room when we come to my parent's house.Well, some Jehova's Witnesses came by this morning (no offense toanyone who is JW, but honestly...........8 in the morning!). Not evenmy friends and family are allowed to wake me that early unless there'ssomebody bleeding. The only one allowed to call me that early is Mike(my bf) because he's in Bagdhad. I was seriously grrrrrrrrrrrr. Well,apparently so was Loki. They knocked on the door and Loki startedthumping and thumping. I was hoping they would just go away, but theyknocked again. Loki just kept thumping and thumping in his cage. Ifinally got up and asked them to please leave and to not come so earlyin the morning.

Anyway, Loki was really upset about being bothered so early as well. I thought it was kind of funny that he reacted that way.


aww Loki is your protector!

How is the little man doing? Any more thoughts on getting him a lady friend?

PS. we need more pics!

I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. I've been crazy busy and a lotof really crappy stuff has happened and a lot of really great stuff hashappened. haha I'm not sure what outweighs what. I am bowing to yourupdate demands.

Loki has been good. He's the same old character. Yesterday, I foundfleas on him! :X I am so mad and sad. I called the vet today and hesaid he thought advantage was safe for rabbits but that he was going tocall the company and get back to me on that. He didn't call back todayso I'm calling him tomorrow. I don't want my baby to have fleas anylonger than he has to.

Here's some pictures!





I'll upload some new pictures when I find my connector for my camera. I hope this appeases your appetites! ;)

t and loki
Some recent pictures of the bun.

He likes to play King of the Clean Whites Pile


Here is Loki's Aunt Triana (my sissy) @ our Easter BBQ

Locate the flopped out bunny and you get a treat!

This is how Loki travels.


That's all for now folks! :D


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