These two siblings are Holland lops Loki and Bragi. They're 11 weeks old, and will be getting gendered in two weeks. For now, though, Loki "feels" like a girl, and Bragi like a boy, so that's what I'm rolling with for now.
Loki came home with us two weeks ago, and settled in so quickly that we went back for Bragi. Loki is not shy. She was an affectionate bun from the get-go.
Bragi is exactly the opposite. Very shy, and even though he head butts my hands, I still can't touch him. I'm told to give it time, so I will!

Loki came home with us two weeks ago, and settled in so quickly that we went back for Bragi. Loki is not shy. She was an affectionate bun from the get-go.
Bragi is exactly the opposite. Very shy, and even though he head butts my hands, I still can't touch him. I'm told to give it time, so I will!